I hear you!
However, as much as I like how you explain the solution to the issue, I don't agree that Shizuma isn't the problem. He must certainly is.
Everyone knows Shizuma is a nice guy, including Minato. That was the whole reason why Minato was interested in Shizuma. However, it is evident that Shizuma does not recognize that his character can bring a whole lot of insecurities onto his partners despite being shown time and time again. His girlfriend literally left him because he made her insecure, although that does not excuse her from cheating, it gives us major insight into his character. The problem stems to Shizuma’s own values, which Minato is shown to understand. Shizuma does not see the need to worry about his involvement with another woman simply because he knows he won’t do anything with them. Yet the moment it happens to Minato, he gets jealous.
You say that if your partner reacted like Minato did to Shizuma, you be hurt by their lack of trust. The issue I have with that is Minato never got upset with Shizuma interacting with his female coworkers, although it made him insecure, he knew Shizuma would never do anything. Instead,, Minato literally witnessed Shizuma receiving boxers from his boss of the opposite gender. Not only was Shizuma straight before meeting Minato, it also feeds in his trauma of his father cheating on his mom. That is not a little thing to be upset about. It is something that everyone would be upset and insecure about. As someone who is also like Shizuma, even I would try to assure my partner about what had happened because even I know that that was not okay.
Minato response has always been flight. Shizuma has witnessed it time and time again, yet seemingly does not make the connection that his partner may be insecure after witnessing his interaction with his boss. Minato is always meeting Shizuma halfway. During his career, his interactions with his ex, understanding his nice character, etc. Yet Shizuma seemingly always gets confuse about Minato’s response despite being told of his trauma. This frustrates me because at this point of the relationship, how has Shizuma not being assuring Minato? How come he still questions Minato’s behavior? As someone who dated that type in the past, I understood time and time again that I had to assure the person. Not every single time I talked to the opposite gender, but whenever I saw signs of them being insecure. Usually when they been keeping to themselves or removing themselves from a situation. Sometimes they don’t say anything because they know that I would never do anything. Yet reassuring their insecurities just makes a relationship stronger as they know I would never leave them hanging.
So yes, though they both need to talk it out, Shizuma is at fault. Minato never had an issue with Shizuma treating women nicely, but bigger interactions such as his boss interaction, inflicted major insecure where he felt the need to walk away. Although he was mad, you can see that he knows Shizuma would not cheat on him which is why he never brought up his insecurities. Yet the moment they meet again, Shizuma is leaving his boss’s car. Not his car, his boss. Which I have an issue with considering Shizuma literally talks about apartment viewing. Why wouldn’t you take your own car? Also, really love the way you structure your argument. Some of these people cannot write and it infuriates me.

No that was a great comment, thank you for your dedication!
I totally forgot that Shizuma gets jealous about the same stuff that he sees no issue with when it comes to his own behavior! Though being blind to your own attitude is common, in a situation where it's the major cause of their "fights" it's a big problem!
But part of the problem is Minato's response, he doesn't just fight, he also runs away. Lashes out, runs away and cuts off contact for a while. It is smart to leave when you notice that you get too heated, but I don't like the way he cuts off near all contact yet somehow still waits for worried Shizuma to reach out first. (This may not be fully true because it's been a long time since I read the entire story.)
Shizuma is obviously a dense guy, so at this point it may be best that Minato lashes out AND spills out all his insecurities, no matter how unfounded and stupid he may feel. This way Shizuma should understand that he needs to reassure Minato, although ideally he should be able to do it without Minato needing to voice it.
About the boxer incident, this time I feel like Minato didn't give Shizuma even a change to explain and due to how worried he was for Minato's disappearance he didn't have time to connect the dots that Minato saw the situation. (Not to mention wtf why did she think stuffing the boxers in her labcoat was the answer fucking hell. It wasn't Shizuma's fault that she is lacking in sensibility and social skills.)
And true, showing up in the car of the one who causes Minato these insecurities was a bad move on Shizuma's part, although I believe he just did it because this way he could meet Minato faster.

I do feel like after reading your comment I glorified Shizuma too much, but still believe that bigger problem is Minato's reactions (which are caused by his trauma so I can't fault him that badly).
But that's whole point of the story, although they're in a way super bad match-up (insecure x dense friendly-to-all), they overcome it due to their deep love for one another.

Shizuma tries to please the boss too much. He should just keep to himself and keep it work related. Maybe it’s just me but I find him saying unnecessary stuff like comparing Minato to the boss, trying to please the boss by saying he’s more pleasant in social skills than Minato. Maybe it’s just me but the boss is overstepping boundaries and being annoying and Shizuma is letting that happen.
So yes Shizuma is one problem, he has his own flaws. Even that is admitted in the future chapter, that he’s way too nice for his own good = a flaw.
Minato definitely also needs to work on his trauma. Just because you are traumatized doesn’t give the right to inflict harm on others mentally/physically, which I don’t think he’s done that too much but there are some parts being let out.

"but I find him saying unnecessary stuff like comparing Minato to the boss, trying to please the boss by saying he’s more pleasant in social skills than Minato."
SO TRUE! That is going too far, and really rude to Minato!
Part of the reason may also be japanese work culture. A person (especially in Shizuma's case a newbie vet trying to learn the ropes and trying the get the acceptance of a too strict boss) spends so much time at their work and they prioritize work a bit too much, that coworkers end up being your closest friends. So a good relationships at work can be very crucial, and considering that for Shizuma's mental health the acceptance of the boss and coworkers can make the entire job a lot more comfortable, I'm not too surprised he tries to appeal to the boss any way he can, though going too far is going too far.

Part of the reason may be Japanese work culture as you said. Or the society in general, they tend to be conservative and go along with the flow.
He still needs to set boundaries and avoid saying unnecessary things, being polite is fine and all, but don’t talk too much about personal life or compare your partner to your boss. It’s unnecessary as hell.
Hopefully his schedule will also be more consistent and not on-call every time cause this can affect his relationship with Minato. My motto for work is: “Keep your co workers at an arms length and work hard”.
Even if I work a lot (which I tend to do 55-60 hrs if peak weekly), I won’t try to make friends with all. Getting on the boss’s good side is fine, but just stay professional and stop involving your personal life. Your boss wouldn’t know about that.
I just don’t like the boss being annoying and getting into his personal life, Shizuma started this by involving his personal life. The boss still shouldn’t have tried to interfere, stay out of it. Then I would’ve been cool if they became friends but he seems kinda blatantly rude and disrespectful.
Minato has every right to be upset about this, he was already upset that Shizuma’s work interferes with their planned dates, as long as he isn’t pushy with Shizuma and stops communicating, it should be fine.
Shizuma deserves a break and Minato needs help with his trauma..
I know that these situations are tough on Minato, but Shizuma isn't to blame! The solution IS NOT TO TURN A BLIND EYE TO THE BEHAVIOR AND HAVE SHIZUMA CHANGE HIS VERY WAY OF BEING!
The problem stems from Minato's trauma, and indulging the one stuck in a trauma in order to hide it away will never be the correct solution! They need to work together, talk it out, slowly but surely find ways that can soothe Minato's boiling fear of Shizuma leaving him, trust issues or whatever the actual reason for his uncertainty is. Of course it'll be difficult and slow to change, twisted mental beliefs are often like that and that's normal!
Because it is evident that Shizuma has and will dedicate all of himself to Minato, it's just that he is generally kind towards everyone. Hell, I'm like that too! And if my partner told me to be more rude/indifferent towards others, I just couldn't do it because it feels wrong. I don't flirt with others, I'm simply being nice. If that is enough for my partner to feel insecure, even I would feel hurt due to their lack of trust in me. It would feel like they're belittling my feelings and love for them, even if it's obvious that they just have problems that they need to start solving somehow.
I understand it can feel rough reading this from Minato's perspective and we want to emphatice with his pain, but Shizuma does not deserve the disparagement he gets from some of you.