I cant really ignore the blatant misoginy of many anti-fujoshis. I have witnessed cases in which homophobic women read/watched gay porn manga to get off, while believing that gay people will be tortured for all of eternity. When a group of people is seen as inferior by society, attraction to those people becomes forbidden, so people see no problem jacking off to porn depicting these people while dehumanizing them at the same time (thats called fetishization). But its pretty obvious that many people use fetishization as an excuse to be misoginistic.

Also a HUGE amount of these people who whine about "fujoshis fetishizing gay men" are females who "identify as gay men"... like you CAN NOT fetishize gay men any harder than that. Tranning out because you read too much yaoi is like THE ULTIMATE gay fetishizing move. Once you are LARPing as a gay man full time, you lose the right to criticize anyone for fetishizing anything ever again. Looking at YOU, picrew icon OP!

I am a trans gay guy, this just seems really disrespectful. Trans guys are very well capable of being misoginistic. I dont know about your opinions, but if you at least think that you respect trans people you shouldnt make baseless assumptions about people's identities. The things anti-fujoshis say are not founded in delusion, but some of them simply use this as an excuse to be sexist. Someone elses misoginy doesnt excuse transphobia.

queer Trans men are not larping as gay guys. What benefit would it bring me to pretend to be a trans guy? My parents would disown me if they ever found out. It crushes me mentally anytime someone calls me a woman. If I really was pretending to be a guy and I didnt feel this way I would just live as a girl, it would be so much easier. But I cant pray away my feelings, thats not how this works.
Straight girls will rate this poorly because it doesn't feature the kind of gay fetishization they live off of