To foul mouth troll gaslight levi...

levipleasecallmeback February 18, 2024 5:06 am


"this is such a third grade approach to bullying." Started by

It is hilarious you think I am someone you dealt with before. My dad is fine. Your message was gaslight to what MD and friends are doing.

If I am in pain does that mean your friends that are impersonating MD and others are in pain? They are the ones seeking attention. YOUR FRIENDS. YOUR FRIENDS STARTED THIS> Stop blaming your victims. Your friends are blowing up this comment section to lash out at others. STOP THE GASLIGHTING!

    levipleasecallmeback February 18, 2024 5:14 am

    Levi is trying to make the victims the cause of this when it is levi's friends It shows you can't trust Levi or any of them. They are attacking as a group on a few people sharing facts. THAT IS INSANE>>> Their gaslighting is insane. They are insane.