But they have no relationship whatsoever, like it’s been so many chapters since they actually interacted, I mean with Skylar. But with Cirrus is different, like he sees their relationship is getting colder and they don’t hang out together anymore, then there is this scene showing their past in which Cirrus thanks him and Chan Il blushes. I think, and this is my theory, that Chan Il was actually in love with Cirrus but he was not aware and then started dating his friend but now that he is aware that Cirrus is hanging out more with Skylar than with him, he is gonna realize that he doesn’t love him as a friend, again my theory. Because I think author realizes that Chan Il’s character doesn’t have any value right now to the story, like Skylar and Cirrus are already dating and if suddenly Chan Il falls in love with Skylar it would be way to unreal BUT it could make sense if we are talking about Cirrus since they are friends! And then (I know the author said that he wouldn’t not appear on the story again) the previous best friend of Skylar could come back or something…
What the fuck? Does he like Cirrus? omg did not see that one coming!!!!!