it's not about "they stole your bf" but romance makes the mc become stupid sometime, and mostly reader want a cool and cold mc. they dont care about the romance in ending, but it's annoying having a romance in the beginning or mid of story. ppl also here for the plot and adventure fantasy things, not romance. if they want romance, they could just read romance manhwa by genre from the start. this manhwa doesnt have "romance" tag either, no one expected it

I totally get that because I feel the same way. I generally hate romance if it’s not the genre I’m specifically reading. My problem was the people in the comments going on about calling her a hoe and a bitch just because she was a flirty female in a manga it’s like dude go touch grass or something, it’s a book.
Pretty basic story and I hate love interests as much as the next person but a lot of these comments sound very incel-y