Sangwoo is actually such a fucking jarring charcter with his retarded bipolar disorder and his saviour complex even though he's 9x more fucked up than who he hates. I haven't finished it. But i swear to god if this fucking imbecile dosent get killed or arrested by the end I'm sending personal threats to the author for wasting my precious bloody time.
not you trying to threaten an author when YOU took the time out of YOUR day to read this because YOU wanted to read it, she made it an opinion for you to read it
not you trying to threaten an author when YOU took the time out of YOUR day to read this because YOU wanted to read it, she made it an opinion for you to read it DenkisChargerKenji
Sangwoo is actually such a fucking jarring charcter with his retarded bipolar disorder and his saviour complex even though he's 9x more fucked up than who he hates. I haven't finished it. But i swear to god if this fucking imbecile dosent get killed or arrested by the end I'm sending personal threats to the author for wasting my precious bloody time.