
mars February 16, 2024 10:50 pm

I actually really liked this. Maybe it's different when you binge-read the entire thing because you have less time to really think about what's going on, but I'm not really sure why the love triangle didn't bother me, cuz they usually do and I always, ALWAYS get second male lead syndrome. But this time I didn't.

And I think I know why. I think that for me, at least, it was made really clear from the start that Seth was not endgame. It was referenced many times in the webtoon and even when Seth and Henry were together on dates you could tell that it was very one-sided. And that's sad, but what made it less sad for me was that Seth knew that. He knew that and was at first confident that he would be able to win Henry over and in the end knew that it was not to be. But the fact that he knew that Henry liked Sam or at least there were some feelings between the two made it better for me. Because by recognizing that he kind of lost already. And that sounds really strange, but like he acknowledged their relationship almost? And it sucks to be him, but it was better that way because he could end it on his own terms, when he stopped being in denial that they could ever happen.

And the reason why I don't hate the MC at all is because he never really led Seth on. Seth continued to pursue Henry even when Henry made it clear both directly and indirectly that Seth and Henry could never happen. He really tried and they could have been very happy but at the end of the day, it was impossible.

So this story was very good for me. Because it was a romance story that talked about unrequited loves but in a very accurate way. Not in an infuriating way where one character is led on, but in a realistic portrayal of how consuming and hopeless love can be. Where you understand that it's not possible and yet you try it anyways. And its really no one's fault because emotions are hard sometimes.

Anyways, those are my thoughts. I was very surprised to see how negative the comments were. If you disagree, please do not come at me ╥﹏╥. We can have different opinions.

    Blushyblush April 5, 2024 4:48 pm

    Wow youre sooo truee.. i feel you. Most the comments here are hating henry so much, and i dont get why. I'm sure most people with such a childhood trauma (like henry) would be afraid to start a relationship. This story's just so realistic for me.

    Ley_ah July 14, 2024 11:24 pm

    This comment wins! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ finally, someone who understood the story from the very start. it was obvious sam was the only one in Henry's heart all those years. He's also the reason why Henry even paid attention to Seth in the 1st place. As much as I love Seth, he CHOSE to be in that situation despite all the clues given to him, and I'm so glad he backed away! A love triangle that did not stress me out. That's why your comment is spot on