So, back on the issue of foreign god. He's a guy with poretold problems... a god who wants...

JayJay (I'm back!) February 16, 2024 7:09 pm

So, back on the issue of foreign god. He's a guy with poretold problems... a god who wants councel on how to avoid his prophecized tragic future.
Hm... Now who could that be?
If Thot tells foreign god "avoid your future by swallowing your wife, so you don't get a son who'll overthrow you in the future".... then we'll know: ...he's Zeus.

    Vicky February 17, 2024 9:16 am

    Wasn't it Kronos, Zeus' father who swallowed his children?

    Nico February 17, 2024 11:51 am

    If we’re going by that then this would mean this is zeus who’s married to metis right?? Since metis is his first wife and mother of athena who was prophesized to birth a son stronger than zeus. And bc of that zeus swallowed her. But why would zeus go all thru this trouble to seek foreign pantheons council??? I think he’s a major god but no one too high in power.

    JayJay (I'm back!) February 17, 2024 5:33 pm
    Wasn't it Kronos, Zeus' father who swallowed his children? Vicky

    Yep, but the same prophecy that induced Kronos to do that was later also given to Zeus. Unlike Kronos, Zeus found another way and "effectively" avoided it (though the way he did it kinda stinks... I'd like to think his wife at least "fused" with him and the two became one single being, a wiser one, since his wise was goddess of wisdom)

    JayJay (I'm back!) February 17, 2024 5:43 pm
    If we’re going by that then this would mean this is zeus who’s married to metis right?? Since metis is his first wife and mother of athena who was prophesized to birth a son stronger than zeus. And bc of th... Nico

    Who's not too high in power? Thot? or Zeus? Thot isn't powerful but he can see the future. Zeus IS a major god: once he overthrew his own father and became king of all Greek gods, he became the supreme god not only in Greece, but also in Macedonia, and then even in the Roman Empire... (as Jupiter). You can see what a big deal he was once you hear even Alexander the Great tried to justify his world conquering by claiming he was Zeus' son: by that logic, he seemed to claim he deserved to rule the world because his dad was king of gods.

    JayJay (I'm back!) February 17, 2024 5:45 pm
    Who's not too high in power? Thot? or Zeus? Thot isn't powerful but he can see the future. Zeus IS a major god: once he overthrew his own father and became king of all Greek gods, he became the supreme god not ... JayJay (I'm back!)

    Another possibility: this is Zeus from BEFORE he managed to defeat Kronos?

    JayJay (I'm back!) February 17, 2024 5:54 pm
    Another possibility: this is Zeus from BEFORE he managed to defeat Kronos? JayJay (I'm back!)

    I mean, maybe this is when he still hasn't defeated his father, but he already knows that once he does defeat him, he'll end up with the same prophecy of a son of his also defeating himself, in turn, in the future? (IIRC Zeus was actually the third one to receive it: his father Kronos being the 2nd, and his grandpa Ouranus being the first). So maybe this Zeus IS already aware of this repetitive, never-ending cycle, and wants to know how to defeat his father Kronos WITHOUT ending up falling prey to it, also, himself...

    Nico February 18, 2024 1:38 am
    Who's not too high in power? Thot? or Zeus? Thot isn't powerful but he can see the future. Zeus IS a major god: once he overthrew his own father and became king of all Greek gods, he became the supreme god not ... JayJay (I'm back!)

    I meant foreign god. I don’t think he’s smn who has status to be god of gods(yet??) but smn relevant enough that he’s considered major god.
    He just gives off the vibe of smn strong but young and arrogant. Idk, its just a gut feeling bc i rlly have nothing else to depend on rn

    JayJay (I'm back!) February 18, 2024 5:07 pm
    I meant foreign god. I don’t think he’s smn who has status to be god of gods(yet??) but smn relevant enough that he’s considered major god.He just gives off the vibe of smn strong but young and arrogant. ... Nico

    Exactly... Author-nim, please give us a hint!
    Back to topic: another possibility is if he's a *future* major god: someone who'll be big in the future, but still isn't, right now. In Zeus's case, that would be him from the time he still hadn't defeated Kronos... bUT I admit he might not be the only one who fits the description: "someone powerful but not yet the big boss, with foretold problems in his future... enough to have induced him to come to Egypt in search of allies and mystic counsil"