Guys I can't find this manhwa I read... It's completed it's long but please help!!! ╥﹏...

Jasper ◕`ε´◕  February 16, 2024 5:50 pm

Guys I can't find this manhwa I read...
It's completed it's long but please help!!! ╥﹏╥
So the story goes like
The bottom is actually an actor....
mother is a shaman....
[childhood time]=Soo the uke's mother died for someone as in died to take away the bad thing from a rich man's (a Friend of hers)son (seme)and also took his son's bad 'thing' (seme when he was a kid his fever wuldnt go away)which was attached to him....
But the uke didn't knw
[Adult time]=The uke's was actually quite a scumbag n a jerk he wuld treat his co-workers harshly which led to his dead (suicide)(there is also a useless guy he dated who left uke at his worst) then the uke was reborn again with a mole under his eyes (I guess?) Reborn bcoz of his mother as in his mother who took her son's bad 'thing' giving him a second chance.....
After being reborn he bcame a good person helped others alot bcoz of his guilt and finally met the seme....

Please help me find this again I wanna re-read it soooobadly!!! (/TДT)/
