
riri28 February 16, 2024 1:52 pm

Guys, I'm telling you... The way my blood boils when the fl is cheated on by the Male lead and she stays. Like what??!! No self respect??? Non whatsoever???? Jeez. Like babes bitch slap him or castrate him or something... If he wants to be a pig, I don't know why he should be treated as otherwise.

    Nea February 16, 2024 3:28 pm

    no honestly like i’ve started to just drop manhwas when its about the guy cheating cuz,
    1. it’s boring and repetitive,
    2. the fl doesn’t deserve that like wtf,
    3. 9/10 times the fl still ends up with them OR their still a big role in the manhwa i’m so over it fr like why are u doing this to urself babes ??

    riri28 February 17, 2024 12:06 pm
    no honestly like i’ve started to just drop manhwas when its about the guy cheating cuz,1. it’s boring and repetitive, 2. the fl doesn’t deserve that like wtf,3. 9/10 times the fl still ends up with them O... Nea

    I know like what??? No self respect whatsoever. It pisses me off because I know she deserves better and so does she. Like run away, get revenge or do something.