Hi guys I think I´m gonna die my mom just told me that my father looked trough my pc with...

**** <3 **** January 8, 2017 9:36 pm

Hi guys I think I´m gonna die my mom just told me that my father looked trough my pc withaout me knowing. The worst thing is that I don´t know if I had some manga opene so i dont know if he saw anything but he told my mom that he was suprised what there was so i think I´m in some deep shit because my parents are realy konzervativ and hate gays. Did it happen to you to? and what did you do because I´m realy scared right now.

    ArdenWinter January 9, 2017 6:12 am

    Well, first of all, it may not be as bad as you think, so don't panic right away. I obviously don't know what your pc history looked like, but it's possible he could have seen the manga without reading it or realizing what it was. Even if the front cover is, uhm, well let's just say 'obvious,' my parents have mistaken male anime characters for women on many occasions.

    As some others have already suggested, definitely start using the incognito tab until your privacy is otherwise guaranteed.

    On the other hand, if your parents are shocked or start raising a big argument here is my advice (This comes from my own experience and mistakes in having dealt with a highly similar situation, since my parents are conservative as well and caught me reading yaoi when I was 12, oops haha).

    First, stay calm, it might seem like a huge issue right now, but flipping out is a waste of your energy and will only make you upset and potentially make the outcome worse. Even if your parents threaten you with various consequences, don't let it upset you too much.

    Second, make sure you explain enough to avoid any misunderstandings about sexuality, etc. that you don't need to have happening. I.E. you don't want to cause confusion about you yourself being homosexual, if you are in fact not homosexual. (Obviously, I don't think there is anything wrong with being a homosexual. If you are, don't feel like you have to come out of the closet for the sake of explanation, either Even though they're your parents you don't owe them a confession unless you yourself want to give it. Anyway, this is getting a bit off, track, so I want to get back to my other points. Sorry if it is long winded, just trying to help.)

    Third, if anything, your best excuse would be to say that you came across it by accident and that you were just curious, since it was something that was discussed in health class or something. That way, it doesn't look like you were reading for enjoyment (even if you were muahahah), which might be something that would concern your parents, as it did mine (because, apparently, sex is something taboo for us to know about or be curious about at a young age despite the fact that it is pretty much everywhere in our society, and also just a natural thing *rolls eyes*). Just be careful with the reference of where it was discussed. Your parents could call your teacher to check to see if the statement was truthful. Also, avoid implicating your friends, reference some random individuals who you don't know if you have to. (I only say this because when I got in trouble when I was younger, my parents immediately went to discuss this with my friends's parents. They thought that my friends were a bad influence, so they wouldn't let me hang out with anyone anymore. So I was basically alone for four years because my parents accidentally alienated me from them and from my friends at the same time. I'm not saying that will happen to you at all, but just keep it in mind.)

    Lastly, I just want to say that you'll be totally fine in the end. It may end up that you can't read yaoi for a while (which sucks, but oh well, right?), but parents can be more understanding than you think. They might not be able to relate or 'get it' at first, but don't feel bad, they'll get over it. lol Just don't get carried away and say something unnecessary or hurtful in the heat of the moment if you can help it. (//^_^//)

    Josuke January 9, 2017 8:00 am

    Omg, I was in a very similar situation with my dad a few years back, and later my mom. What made it worse is that my parents are not only conservative, but devoutly religious (but not super homophobic) and both of them are pastors. My advice to you would be to leave it alone. Try as hard as you can to avoid bringing up what happened in a conversation. Just play it off. However, if your parents do bring it up, just be honest with them. Don't lie. It'll only make things worse, and they won't trust you anymore. It's gonna be difficult, and hella awkward for you at first, but telling them the truth will pay off for you in the long run.

    ****<3**** (lazi to log in) January 9, 2017 12:15 pm
    Well, first of all, it may not be as bad as you think, so don't panic right away. I obviously don't know what your pc history looked like, but it's possible he could have seen the manga without reading it or re... ArdenWinter

    Ohh well it's just it kinda hurt me because I'm not 12 or 15 I'm already 20 and I thought that they believed in me and respected my privaci at least in this because I'm already old enough to choose for myself

    ****<3**** (lazi to log in) January 9, 2017 12:20 pm
    Omg, I was in a very similar situation with my dad a few years back, and later my mom. What made it worse is that my parents are not only conservative, but devoutly religious (but not super homophobic) and both... Josuke

    Yeah my parents are religious too and kinda homophobic that's why I'm scared that they will flip out and look at my weirdly. Hope he wont say anything and we will revert to our aukward relationship we had before ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Just jave to endure ot for a half year more and then move out ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    **** <3 **** January 9, 2017 1:30 pm

    Thank you everyone your words really helped me to calm down

    ArdenWinter January 10, 2017 1:49 am
    Ohh well it's just it kinda hurt me because I'm not 12 or 15 I'm already 20 and I thought that they believed in me and respected my privaci at least in this because I'm already old enough to choose for myself @****<3**** (lazi to log in)

    Why the heck are they looking through your laptop when you are already an adult then? That really is none of their business at all. If they are surprised by finding something there, then it goes along the lines of "hearing things you don't like when eavesdropping." Shouldn't have been looking in the first place.

    In any case, just ignore that and don't feel bad. You don't need to give a shit about what your parents opinion of your hobbies are in your private life.

    mrl98 January 10, 2017 8:10 pm
    ouch that's rather harsh ( ̄∇ ̄") I'd think people reacting in a harsh way can be out of too much love as well, they just have a different way of executing it sandy

    Conditional love, we love you only if you're a good girl, but if she's different they don't want her anymore. That wasn't love and yes some parents don't love their children in the middle east they kill their daughters if they cross the line and call it " honor crime"
    But then again if they're just upset and treat her cold for a month or so then it's just them sulking and will be back in no time.