Ahh this the life reading satisfying manga and manwha and manhua though the unsatisfying b...

Chesney cal February 16, 2024 4:56 am

Ahh this the life reading satisfying manga and manwha and manhua though the unsatisfying bit that is I I have no patience for incomplete manga that episode ends with a cliffhanger

    Nizze February 19, 2024 1:19 am

    I know right?
    For that I have a technique... for rofan and slice of life I search for the novel spoilers...
    For the action, comedy and world-hopping ones I look for the novels and read both.
    The novels are usually more detailed... but the comics help with having a better image of the characters and of the fight scenes... those can be hard to visualize in my mind...

    Chesney cal March 15, 2024 3:48 am
    I know right? For that I have a technique... for rofan and slice of life I search for the novel spoilers...For the action, comedy and world-hopping ones I look for the novels and read both. The novels are usual... Nizze

    And you know I leave it alone for a while for more chapters to come and forget about what I read and do this multiple times till I lose interest lol same with books I have read more than 2000 manga and more than 2000 books watched 280 anime and 600 movies in less than 8 years and hence cliffhangers waiste life and time