people really are immature huh.I hope you're still teenagers or something cause ...

Sofia February 15, 2024 11:31 pm people really are immature huh.I hope you're still teenagers or something cause this type of thinking at a developed age is worrying.It means you really lack empathy and a deep understanding of human emotions.Or you just watch too many movies and read too many books.Real life is different folks,get on with it

    Hankouki February 16, 2024 12:29 am

    They gotta be young. Teens learned therapy speech but didn't learn that just because someone's a dick it doesn't mean they're abusive, and so on and so forth.

    Martina February 16, 2024 6:47 am

    if you're settling for a person who treats you the way soma did at your grown ass age then you're the one who's too old to be letting others walk all over you like that. it's either that or you're the one who would do this shit to someone else. love yourself a little or learn how to respect others whichever one you need

    Sofia February 16, 2024 7:47 am
    if you're settling for a person who treats you the way soma did at your grown ass age then you're the one who's too old to be letting others walk all over you like that. it's either that or you're the one who w... Martina

    AHAHAHA trust me,I'm the last one to settle, don't you worry about me.But let's dwelve more about the Soma thing shall we?What makes him exactly so bad?Did he illude the uke? Don't think so,he said from the start he was still in love with his ex.Did he force himself on the uke?Don't think so,he agreed to be in a sexual relationship with him knowing he still loved his ex.So what did he do to make you so vehemently dislike him? Saying he still loved the ex while asking him to be his boyfriend?But isn't it normal?They broke up on good terms and it's not like the reason why they were no longer together was that their characters didn't match or there was something wrong with either of them,sadly the ex simply wasn't attracted to men,but emotionally he still loved him.So do you get how hard is it to get over something like that?Knowing that it's not one's fault but still can't be together?To add to it,do you instantly stop caring about someone just because you're no longer with them?And loving someone and being in love with them is different.The uke himself said that he took more than 2 years to get over his ex.Soma broke up recently,it's normal that they're in 2 different places mentally and emotionally.You could say"then why did he ask him to be his boyfriend if he's still not over the ex".He obviously fell in love with Wataru and like Wataru himself said he can't wait for him,so why let the perfect person for you slip away just because you have unresolved feelings?He still chose to commit and that's what make relationships lasts.Realistically we don't stop feeling attraction to other people when we settle with someone,but we CHOOSE to respect them and be together with them nonetheless, that's love.So why taking time to get over your emotions while still being in a relationship bad?

    Martina February 16, 2024 7:09 pm
    AHAHAHA trust me,I'm the last one to settle, don't you worry about me.But let's dwelve more about the Soma thing shall we?What makes him exactly so bad?Did he illude the uke? Don't think so,he said from the sta... Sofia

    not reading allat. don't invite your ex to hang out with u and your boyfriend much less without ever letting your bf know. even a child would understand this yet soma acted fucking ridiculous and disrespected wataru. it's inexcusable. yet soma made excuses and made it about wataru's attitude instead of apologizing properly. end of story

    Sofia February 16, 2024 11:12 pm
    not reading allat. don't invite your ex to hang out with u and your boyfriend much less without ever letting your bf know. even a child would understand this yet soma acted fucking ridiculous and disrespected w... Martina

    That's a bit of a dramatic reaction but okto each their own.But saying that someone treats you like shit for one poorly made decision is... something.Guess you're perfect in your relationships huh