Jeha deserved way better starting from his so called family to his dumb partner, personall...

Your resident Bisexual February 15, 2024 2:21 am

Jeha deserved way better starting from his so called family to his dumb partner, personally I hated everyone but jeha and it's how the pink haired guy went around raping and sexually harassing people

    VideHada March 15, 2024 6:55 am

    What do you mean threatening someone's life, trying to unaliving some, forcing someone to 'entertain' someone, getting someone druged, and drowning someone is okay but SA isn't?

    I mean the mc is doing that to survive afterall. The double standards--

    andy2mc May 15, 2024 3:28 pm
    What do you mean threatening someone's life, trying to unaliving some, forcing someone to 'entertain' someone, getting someone druged, and drowning someone is okay but SA isn't? I mean the mc is doing that to s... VideHada

    Exactly!! Also coercing someone to be their “pet” and having sex with them if he wanted his sister to live… isn’t exactly what you’d call ~consensual healthy sex~. And he was basically pimping out the mc to the old man, until he remembered to have a conscience last minute. Like everyone in this story acted morally questionably at some point! It’s double standards to say otherwise.

    And as you said, not that it entirely excuses it, but the mc was literally in survival mode the whole time so if there’s someone we would be more sympathetic of their circumstances is the mc