
Pow February 14, 2024 11:44 pm

Am i going to hell because i laughed when i saw the grandma ? Like i’m so sorry but i just remembered all the hilarious tiktoks about her and now i know for a fact there’s gonna be a lot more

    mangago.me1212 February 15, 2024 12:30 am

    the grandma had some shiny head tho the way i sat there and laughed at heryall im not sorry she need to go already

    Wijdane February 15, 2024 12:47 am
    the grandma had some shiny head tho the way i sat there and laughed at heryall im not sorry she need to go already mangago.me1212

    Bruuh thats so meaan

    JessiebearsALIVE February 15, 2024 12:57 am

    My "she need to die already" comments are catching up to me

    Thalia February 15, 2024 1:09 am


    Thalia February 15, 2024 1:14 am
    the grandma had some shiny head tho the way i sat there and laughed at heryall im not sorry she need to go already mangago.me1212

    i was cackling when i saw her shiny ass bald head

    Ghourl_#Spill da Tea ☕ February 15, 2024 2:16 am
    i was cackling when i saw her shiny ass bald head Thalia

    Wth ... i understand why everyone was coming at you. Like do you even know the effect of Cancer and the chimio ? Like you think her bald head was a will ?
    This is fictional but don’t take it as a joke for it what we are actually reading it what’s happening in real life

    Ghourl_#Spill da Tea ☕ February 15, 2024 2:17 am
    Wth ... i understand why everyone was coming at you. Like do you even know the effect of Cancer and the chimio ? Like you think her bald head was a will ? This is fictional but don’t take it as a joke for it ... Ghourl_#Spill da Tea ☕

    Y’all are really just some kids on the Internet reading Mangas without understanding the messages behind , bcz of lack of life experience. The naivety is really at high state here.

    Thalia February 15, 2024 3:42 am
    Wth ... i understand why everyone was coming at you. Like do you even know the effect of Cancer and the chimio ? Like you think her bald head was a will ? This is fictional but don’t take it as a joke for it ... Ghourl_#Spill da Tea ☕

    Baldge LMAO

    mangago.me1212 February 15, 2024 12:30 pm
    Bruuh thats so meaan Wijdane

    is true

    mangago.me1212 February 15, 2024 12:31 pm
    i was cackling when i saw her shiny ass bald head Thalia

    who wasn't

    mangago.me1212 February 15, 2024 12:34 pm
    Wth ... i understand why everyone was coming at you. Like do you even know the effect of Cancer and the chimio ? Like you think her bald head was a will ? This is fictional but don’t take it as a joke for it ... Ghourl_#Spill da Tea ☕

    the character is not real. and i know the effects of cancer and the chimio i actually had a family member died because of it.

    Ghourl_#Spill da Tea ☕ February 15, 2024 4:58 pm
    the character is not real. and i know the effects of cancer and the chimio i actually had a family member died because of it. mangago.me1212

    She ain’t real but art is about representing what is real (not only the imagination)
    So don’t make a joke about it

    mangago.me1212 February 15, 2024 8:39 pm
    She ain’t real but art is about representing what is real (not only the imagination) So don’t make a joke about it Ghourl_#Spill da Tea ☕

    but she had some shiny ass head tho

    Ghourl_#Spill da Tea ☕ February 15, 2024 8:42 pm
    but she had some shiny ass head tho mangago.me1212

    mangago.me1212 February 15, 2024 8:45 pm
    Pow February 16, 2024 5:42 pm

    Of course it’s a sad topic and it is not to be taken lightly, but i am so fuckin sensitive i’m so sorry i’d rather laugh for a sec than cry for hours
    Also, i think some distance is necessary to read a story. I believe you have to be able to take a step back and don’t take everything to heart (i’m sorry if i can’t make my thought clear english isn’t my first language)… i mean you can enjoy her new haircut AND be sad for Kim Dan bc if she dies, he will no longer have someone to love and support him