I could tell from the moment he (ash) talked less and did it roughly. He isn't that kinda ...

Trinity February 14, 2024 8:51 pm

I could tell from the moment he (ash) talked less and did it roughly. He isn't that kinda person to do that.
BUT LYLE Bro u r an alpha too. How ....just how could u not tell? Strong pheromones, rough sex, not Minding place, not Minding situation. cz ash isn't the type to NOT TO mind these things. he is overly protective, affectionate, soft with lyle, even during sex.

There should be a limit to his obliviousnes. U would think the environment in which ash grew up would made him have a keen sense bt nope, absolutely not. It's quite the opposite.

Ash just woke up in the morning, without uttering a single word he started doing it even when Lyle was on the pH he didn't stop......bt still our Lyle is confused when he himself said they dont do it in the morning other that weekends.

AND another thing, this couple has serious lack of communication. I thought it will get better , even if it's little bit after they start dating. Bt nope , still exactly the same. like use your damn mouth . They don't talk or share their thoughts about Even basic simple things. I get ash not being able to open up about his thoughts given the circumstances he had to gone through bc of that damn old man. AND lyle u knew that already. Take the initiative to talk , communicate about small things to get ash get used to it little by little. They both seem total hopeless in this case.

Sorry for the rant. I really like this story. Bt some of these just bother me so damn much.
And lack of comm just triggers something in me.

    Kamisito February 17, 2024 4:46 pm

    You can't blame that on his rut nor was Lyle being oblivious..from my pov Lyle's concerns were justified , he is the recessive alpha in the duo and ash shouldve spoken his mind since he is dominant simply rather then using sex to get control over Lyle

    Trinity February 18, 2024 8:27 am

    Damn.i didn't even notice I mixed up their name in the last part .
    " I get ash not being able to open up about his thoughts given the circumstances he had to gone through bc of that damn old man. AND lyle u knew that already. Take the initiative to talk , communicate about small things to get Ash get used to it little by little. "

    IT should have been--- "I get Lyle not being able to open up about his thoughts given the circumstances he had to gone through bc of that damn old man. AND ash u knew that already. Take the initiative to talk , communicate about small things to get Lyle get used to it little by little. "

    It's understandable if u thought that way.
    Bt I still think they have serious problem of lack of communication. And given the societal group in which Lyle had to grew up in, the people he had to mix with, where u need to think before ur every action, was given through education from childhood, a single sentence from ur mouth carry severe weight, I would still say LYLE IS OBLIVIOUS (maybe bc that part of him couldn't develop enough bc of his Grandpa's controlling nature bt whatever's the reason is , it still doesn't change the fact)

    P.s: I am not defending ash's behavior regarding the rut or communication from his side. He IS AT FAULT.