This did psychological damage to me lol. You're right he deserves no one. But what to do both the seme's are doormats. Also I could only find the Chinese raw for chapter 70 so I don't know *SPOILER* that he spent time with the 2nd guy (especially after he confirms that he remembered everything)in Newzealand and even kisses him. And before he's about to leave for good health again sleeps with him in the last freaking chapter. I don't get it why? Didn't he just agonize at Yu leaving him there and about how he finally realised he could breath because of yu and it's a newfound realisation and bla bla bla? I think he doesn't give much value to sleeping with someone. And he's a cheater obviously. I mean what a disgusting pos, he could've broken off with yu BEFORE he slept with the other guy the first time he did , if was anyway going to call it quits. He knew how it would hurt his partner but still did. He has no remorse. And the way he throws himself little pity parties every moment is so
They have incredibly patience. When you think they finally snap and decide to leave the protag they return a couple of panels, one chapter or a few hours later. And it happens multiple times. I don't usually hate uke but damn, this guy has like no conscience. I'd like to say he can't choose but not really he knows he's cheating and is totally okay with it. He knows what his doing is hurting the guy he loves but continues to do it because he enjoys the attention and comfort he gets from the other guy and can't let go of that. The story is really trying to portray him as victim of the story with everyone against him but it's not really working.
The hypocrisy of being hurt and angry because the guy that he was dating got engaged to another after he broke up with him and feeling betrayed by it while he has been cheating for who knows when is just yikes yikes yikes. He doesn't know how to commit to one relationship and I'm not saying I'm against poly you can totally commit there. But here... He doesn't want to let go of any of the 2 guys, reason he's so quick to get back to them yet he also can't commit to it since the 2 love interest are at odds. The best action since he can't let go of neither of them is find a common ground and talk to them but he doesn't even try. Doesn't try to figure what he wants in the relantionship and just go with the flow. I feel like he just like being chased that's why he cheats or take a guy back so quickly...
Him going back and forth between the two guys is detrimental and stressing to both the two guys and he knows about it and continues to do it. Like you either commit to 1 or both. But you can't take both and not commit to any of them. He's the only one on the receiving end in terms of commitment (given by the 2 seme).
Ethan is committed to the relationship and is ok revealing he's gay etc and clearly want monogamy. Reece the protag wants to protect Ethan from being judged if it come out they're gay and plus he's afraid Ethan gets hated by his fam. And its so stupid... Ethan has told his fam already and if they're not ok with it they can deal with that themselves. He's willing to for againts them to be with Reese. Plus they're super toxic why is Reese trying to comfort the fam/mother? Ethan is an adult, he does not depend on his fam, he's okay being exposed and deal with all of its consequences and they been having picnic and kissing in public for god sake! It's like Reese is not protecting Ethan but himself from being judged negativity by Ethan's mom and refuse to believe that Ethan can't deal with the social repercussions of they're outings. (which he clearly ready given the amonth of public affection he does).
Plus if he have planned to break up with Ethan nv he doesn't him to be gay why did he kept having sex with him for over 10 years while letting the guy be in delulu land thinking they'll get married and love together?
To be honest I hope the 2 ml leave the uke. The uke needs to be figure out his feelings, if he wants to commit, what relationship he wants and eventually if he's ready to do anything to make it possible. He can't keep doing half assed decisions endlessly like this