My opinions and overall reactions to some chaps

Potato February 14, 2024 8:01 am

Chapter 12: Oh my god this chapter pissed me right tf off seriously fuck the husband. Holy shit reading that made me so upset. Like it’s fair if you don’t wanna have kids man that’s fine and completely reasonable but you need to sit and calmly talk to her about it. Cause what we’re not going to do is insult her and call her emotional FUCK YOU. I know you sure as fuck know that she has been bottling this shit up for awhile and for this grown ass man to completely shut her down with no conversation whatsoever and proceeding to gaslight her with shit she said years ago after probably one of the most emotional times in her life WHICH HE WASN’T EVEN FUCKING THERE FOR IS FUCKED UP. OH it makes me so freaking mad fuck him fuck him fuck him divorce hunny that ass doesn’t deserve you.

Chapter 13: You see this shit still doesn’t cast him in a good light. First of all, just wash the fucking dishes when she tells you to “Oh I’ll do it at my own pace” your own pace ISN’T WORKING. Of course she can’t trust you to do it on your own if the last you did it you just left it there seriously what a fucking man child. He has no business being in a relationship if he can’t compromise. Secondly, like I said before it is completely fine and understandable if you want to remain child free. However to be so apathetic to YOUR WIFE is actually unbelievable and to go on and find out he’s apparently had these feelings since the first pregnancy. I have no words it’s terrible it really truly is terrible I feel so bad for Chizu how did such a sweetheart get saddled with this absolute ass of a man. And I can’t stand the way he just keeps belittling her feelings and turning things into her fault holy shit I can’t.

Chapter 15: Chizu babe…. I think it’s time to face the music you either leave him or you remain and live an unfulfilling life but let’s not baby trap him. And why is he still trying to make everything about himself holy shit actually shut fuck up please every single time I read his pov I want to slam my head into a wall.

Conclusion: These people need help like so good serious honest help. Maybe both need therapists and marriage counseling or just a super serious talk cause I just don’t see this ending well. In America this would probably have a couple filing for divorce by now. But I know in Japan they’re a lot more serious about it and it can really affect your reputation. Husband needs to work on himself big time and learn human empathy. While Chizu needs some good friends she can actually talk to because I’ve never seen a manga character talk to a therapist this I only need husband shit isn’t working. If these two cannot come to an agreement on this then divorce for sure. Right now though they’re both definitely in their feelings and are saying and doing bad things honestly atp I’d just want some time apart to think on my own. He’s definitely not cheating though I don’t where you guys pulled that from but that’s definitely not it husband love Chizu in his own special fucked up way.

    Manami April 8, 2024 3:25 pm

    Are you mentally sorted?? The husband is the victim here. I like how you blow all his flaws out of proportion but coddle everything little thing Chizu does.

    *Husband is an asshole. Sticks to his words*

    *chizu lies about her feelings for her husband. Is a miserable cunt who escalates wanting to have a child cuz all her coworkers do. Literally tries to rape him*
    “Chizu babe…..let’s not baby trap him okay??

    Potato April 8, 2024 6:41 pm
    Are you mentally sorted?? The husband is the victim here. I like how you blow all his flaws out of proportion but coddle everything little thing Chizu does. *Husband is an asshole. Sticks to his words*“OMG YO... Manami

    Like it or not the majority of this story is from Chizu’s pov and from the brief snip I got from her husband made him a total douche canoe to me.

    “Literally tries to rape him” Are we reading the same story she backed off as soon as he pushed her away in what world does that constitute as attempted rape

    “chizu lies about her feelings for her husband” Like he didn’t do the same fucking thing now who’s coddling

    Manami April 16, 2024 6:10 am
    Like it or not the majority of this story is from Chizu’s pov and from the brief snip I got from her husband made him a total douche canoe to me.“Literally tries to rape him” Are we reading the same story... Potato

    That is still very much attempted rape. Hello?? Trying to solicit sex from someone with ulterior motives IS RAPE.

    “Like he didn’t do the same” literally where?? Lmao. He’s said he doesn’t want kids and stuck to that throughout. Chizu on the other hand wasted not only her own time but also his time by leading him on to believe she too didn’t want kids just like him and somehow thinking he’ll change his mind in the future or that if he doesn’t, then she’ll “make him” change his mind.

    Potato April 17, 2024 4:22 am

    “When did he lie to Chizu” from the very moment when he felt something other than some sort of positivity from her being pregnant he was lying to her. Communication is key in relationships, she was over the moon happy and he knew yet he was unable to feel anything but relieved when she had her miscarriage. Can you just imagine if she didn’t have a miscarriage the kid would’ve been so fucked. Now, I don’t know what kind of men you have in your life but having those thoughts about anyone more so your wife is frankly disgusting.

    Potato April 17, 2024 4:23 am

    Chizu becomes so unstable (enough to “attempt” rape) because of him. She literally tried to sit him down and have a proper conversation about having a baby and he shut her down immediately and said she was drunk! Is that what a good husband does? Ignore the things he doesn’t like to hear? She feels like she’s falling apart, like she doesn’t recognize the man she married. That can be a real mindfuck and make people do some irrational things. So I’m really not gonna blame a person for what they do in the midst of an intense emotional/mental breakdown. And like I said before she backed off immediately when he said “no” so I don’t really classify that as attempted rape. Sorry we have different definitions but whatever. ╮( ̄へ ̄)╭

    Fact of the matter is Chizu wasn’t happy she was never happy from the moment she had her miscarriage but deluded herself into thinking she was to go along with her godawful, gaslighting, husband I won’t say she isn’t flawed but from my understanding of the story this is just how I perceive it. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Potato April 17, 2024 4:25 am

    I really can’t understand why you’re so dead set on arguing with me about my opinions on this man. I think he’s trash and you have the right to disagree with (though I don’t know how we read the same story and you do) however the story is over, I’m unsatisfied with the ending, and I just want to forget this whole terrible experience. (•_•")

    This will be my last reply to this conversation and while you certainly weren’t the nicest (I don’t appreciate being called “mentally sorted” for differing opinions. Learn to debate politely). I do like conversing and debating stories with people on this site. Have an okay life I guess. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜