ooh could be also true, I don't remember exactly but it was a relative of the emperor dunno anymore if sister cousin or something. Now the question is of the emperor knows and maybe he's satisfied with the 2 consorts he has, the young girl of the previous emperor is just there cause of formalities and I don't think he's gonna lay a hand on her, maybe he thinks of her like a daughter and the new consort is a relative, maybe to strenghen his influence on the harem he put her there to spy also. I really like the current emperor and I think he has a nice and good personality.

Things just happened, it wasn’t a deliberate disbanding. I won’t spoil too much but if you want to know, I don’t mind sharing. The light novels are amazing - can’t wait for the manga to catch up (but that will probably take years as the manga has maybe reached the LN4), and I doubt (though I really hope so) they’ll adapt them all into the anime.

If its okay with you, I'd like the spoiler :3 I've been looking around but I'm not sure where to read the novel. Haven't found anything. Yeah that would be really nice but tbh I wouldn't get hopes up for the anime. I'm not even sure if the manga will adapt until the end cause many mangas sadly just stop after a while

Spoilers so don’t read if you want to get spoiled:
So Shisui and Suirei are both part of the Shi clan that kidnaps Maomao (even though the sisters aren’t really bad - Shisui’s mother is), and then Jinshi finally reveals who he is in order to go rescue Maomao, and in the whole ‘war’ (not quite a war but more of an ambush), Shisui fakes her death and disappears and Suirei being revealed to have royal blood is kept safe at AhDuo’s place (she can’t reveal herself as she’s supposed to be dead). The Shi clan gets annihilated. So this way we get down to three consorts.
All this while Consort Gyoukoun has a son and becomes the Empress, so then we get down to 2 high consorts. And then later on they try to get Consort Lishu to marry Jinshi, but obviously he doesn’t and Consort Lishu also gets embroiled in a controversy and gets banished to a life of nunnery for a year (by the way Lishu and Basen - Goushun’s son - fall in love

I bought all the LNs from j-novels. I had a membership with them a couple years back and didn’t know I kept collecting coins each month, so had enough coins to buy 9 volumes. After which I got the membership again as vol 10 was free to read with the membership and the release one chapter each week for vol 11 till it’s release, so as a member you get to read it before the release. If that’s an option for you I would suggest it.
I saw someone writing that shi sui is actually the new consort who moved in AND also the emperors half sister like Jinshi? Dunno if it's real, pls spoil me >.<