I dunno about all the people who hates the ML (Wilhelm) and wants the FL to end up with Dietrich instead but I'll just say a few words.
First, let's not forget the FL would've never gotten her revenge if not for ML being as crazy as he is and carrying out the revenge the way he did weather anybody like it or not.
Second, even if the FL ends up with Dietrich and tries to live a peaceful life I don't think she'll ever be at peace, at most she'll be delluding herself(evidence from her last life where she couldn't throw away her hatred) If she could've moved on then she'd had done so in her last life
Thirdly, those hating on the ML and not liking his process of revenge(seducing the crown Princess, keeping a secrets from FL, etc) we all can't just assume a fairytale like revenge where good wins over bad childishly can we? Esp when the FL wasn't even a tad bit helpful and only raging and shouting abt how her feelings are being betrayed due to the secrets and shit.
They're both crazy and complex characters and they deserve each. The other fluffy charas will just suffer if they end up with either of them
I dunno about all the people who hates the ML (Wilhelm) and wants the FL to end up with Dietrich instead but I'll just say a few words.
First, let's not forget the FL would've never gotten her revenge if not for ML being as crazy as he is and carrying out the revenge the way he did weather anybody like it or not.
Second, even if the FL ends up with Dietrich and tries to live a peaceful life I don't think she'll ever be at peace, at most she'll be delluding herself(evidence from her last life where she couldn't throw away her hatred) If she could've moved on then she'd had done so in her last life
Thirdly, those hating on the ML and not liking his process of revenge(seducing the crown Princess, keeping a secrets from FL, etc) we all can't just assume a fairytale like revenge where good wins over bad childishly can we? Esp when the FL wasn't even a tad bit helpful and only raging and shouting abt how her feelings are being betrayed due to the secrets and shit.
They're both crazy and complex characters and they deserve each. The other fluffy charas will just suffer if they end up with either of them