Elle Aline February 13, 2024 12:24 pm


    Bl lover February 26, 2024 3:56 pm


    Elle Aline February 26, 2024 7:06 pm

    I'll just copy-paste my review hahaha. So this is long, beware.
    This shit is so cringe. It was cute in the beginning but the more it goes on the more i dislike every character and their weird ass relationships.
    I'm developing an intense hatred for this webcomic. I can't even hate-read it.
    This is based on a Thai drama and you can totally feel it. It doesn't translate well at all. Thai drama can be excessive but being a visual medium it works better and the jokes are not as boring. This just took every problem of Thai drama and made it WORSE.

    I hate soohyuk. He is boring. He steps over taein's boundaries multiple times and ist nothing but an overboarding dude who's obsessed with Taein. He has no personality.
    Taein on the other hand has a personality, which is being an annoying brat. He doesn't know what he wants even 60 chapters in. He hates soohyuk, then he wants to be friends with him, then he hates him again. He hates how popular soohyuk but also likes soohyuk SOMETIMES. Like, it doesn't feel like it because he always pushes him away but whatever. Then once their relationship starts sailing (like four or five times) he instantly thinks about Mirae. They have had a relationship talk so many times and Taein would agree to trying things out and suddenly he's in love with Mirae again????? It feels like cheating, even though Soohyuk is pushing the relationship Taein kinda agrees.

    Like their relationship just SUCKS. It's so one sided and Taein has no idea what he wants. His friends question him about his feelings for soohyuk and he flat out denies it (and it's not cause of homophobia or any other kind of fear) and says he prefers cute girls??? And then a friend suggests getting rid of Soohyuk and Taein agrees??? I'm floored. There have been multiple times where I'm just looking at my screen completely speechless because of how often Taein will repeat the same shit again and again.
    Then he has his random fits of jealousy??? He'll scream all day because of how much Soohyuks advances annoy him but he sees Soohyuk merely talk to a girl and it depresses him so much HE HAS TO LEAVE THE CAFÉ AND HIDES AT HOME. And he cries about how soohyuk doesn't love him but her JUST BECAUSE HE FLICKED HER HEAD ONCE. He has no idea who she is. He has seen her interact with soohyuk once. And soohyuk has done nothing but aggressively profess his love for taein. I hate those chapters. It doesn't stop after that. When taein and Soohyuk meet a friend pats Taein's head and Soohyuk gets so jealous HE PULLS TAEIN TO THE BATHROOM TO SCREAM AT HIM WHY HE LET THAT GUY TOUCH HIM. Remember: at this point they've both kind of confessed their feelings for each other like 5 times but they are not in a relationship.

    Then there's this completely unnecessary love rival. He's nothing but an useless villain. I don't feel anything towards him. I hate him.

    The art is fine but I hate their shitass expressions. Everything is so over exaggerated and mild jealousy looks like blood rage. Cute moments are nothing but cringe.

    The whole social media thing also is just so??? I'm tired. It's boring to read and they are so cringe. Also like, do they not know private messages are a thing? They communicate exclusively through comments on posts and spill the most private information ever on there. Ans how taein found out that soohyuk asked that guy to take the picture of his form down IN THE COMMENTS is so weird. Like he could've found out on his own phone?
    And the importance "imstar" has in this webcomic, yaaawn. I could die. There are way too many scenes about them posting on imstar and commenting under each posts.
    And you're telling me soohyuk got their imstar id's engraved on a ring????? Brooo

    It's just so voyeuristic. Why are they on Taein's back about them sleeping with each other??? It's none of your business. It goes on and on. One friend sees them buy condoms, another explains soohyuk how to do it and another helps soohyuk when taein gets sick the morning after they did it. They know every single move and I wouldn't be surprised if they did a porno for the friends ro see.
    Andddd even in their relationship soohyuk molests taein. The whole sex talk is so bad
    And the brother plotline. GO AWAY.

    Also, soohyuk stop calling Taein your wife. The sex sucked. First i was happy cause they talked about research but then obviously taein bottomed, like??? When has he ever expressed he wants that?? When havr they talked about it?? And then the next morning taein is hurting and has a literal fever cause they went so hard. And before that there's a part where soohyuk contemplates whether he wants taein to "cry out in pleasure" or not hurt during the sex??? And he's undecided ?? Like bro what is there to contemplate???

    Bl lover February 28, 2024 1:57 pm
    I'll just copy-paste my review hahaha. So this is long, beware.This shit is so cringe. It was cute in the beginning but the more it goes on the more i dislike every character and their weird ass relationships.I... Elle Aline

    Ohh, can't deny that, your insult / bad rating accepted

    Bl lover February 28, 2024 2:00 pm
    I'll just copy-paste my review hahaha. So this is long, beware.This shit is so cringe. It was cute in the beginning but the more it goes on the more i dislike every character and their weird ass relationships.I... Elle Aline

    Can I recommend you a bl , if you're interested it's "boy meets Marie" not sure if it's your taste tho, give it a try

    Moody Jazz March 1, 2024 3:01 am


    mayunala March 1, 2024 5:57 pm
    I'll just copy-paste my review hahaha. So this is long, beware.This shit is so cringe. It was cute in the beginning but the more it goes on the more i dislike every character and their weird ass relationships.I... Elle Aline

    No cuz I agree, it was honestly a hard read too. I was so lost while reading... I was even doubting if soohyuk actually liked taein. Like I can't see or feel it. Taein is annoying too.

    Elle Aline March 1, 2024 9:17 pm
    Can I recommend you a bl , if you're interested it's "boy meets Marie" not sure if it's your taste tho, give it a try Bl lover

    Thank you, I'll look into it, looks interesting

    Elle Aline March 1, 2024 9:17 pm
    No cuz I agree, it was honestly a hard read too. I was so lost while reading... I was even doubting if soohyuk actually liked taein. Like I can't see or feel it. Taein is annoying too. mayunala


    elysian April 4, 2024 5:44 pm
    I'll just copy-paste my review hahaha. So this is long, beware.This shit is so cringe. It was cute in the beginning but the more it goes on the more i dislike every character and their weird ass relationships.I... Elle Aline

    i completely agree omg

    soobs July 1, 2024 9:04 pm
    I'll just copy-paste my review hahaha. So this is long, beware.This shit is so cringe. It was cute in the beginning but the more it goes on the more i dislike every character and their weird ass relationships.I... Elle Aline
