the second lead is based

levipleasecallmeback February 13, 2024 12:07 pm

can’t lie that as a body guard AND friend, he’s doing what he’s supposed to… i do enjoy the ml in a fictional setting, but if we’re being realistic is it not normal for kotaro to force her away from shinpei?? this is the very same man who drugged kotaro to have him get raped

shinpei is very much a horrible person considering this, he’s manipulative/calculating, and was a serial killer. him being a lover boy doesn’t change that so some of the kotaro hate feels disproportionate just because he’s rightfully protective and doesn’t want to see someone he cares about make a life-altering decision for the sake of love that will affect her livelihood and social standing (which is life or death for women in this era) . both ml’s deserve their criticism don’t get me wrong

    LatteGratte February 14, 2024 2:13 am
    this argument is a sinking ship. shinpei is fully capable of change, and we’re all here for it, but others like kotaro can still see him as a repeater of his past actions rather than someone who can fully mov... levipleasecallmeback

    Everything you said about Kotaro is true. I don’t disagree with that Her safety is more important than her agency to Kotaro? Yeah. He’s not getting in between them to fulfill his one sided love? Mm, maybe. Don’t completely agree with that one. I also don’t blame him for not accepting her feelings. I just don’t like it, and believe he’s wrong for it. That’s what I am, or was, arguing. That kind of thing annoys me, coupled with this perpetual disdain I have for second male lead in general. Truthfully, I think we should agree to disagree here. I think it’s wrong to claim that there is a one-size-fits all answer here, because, there isn’t. There are many ways to interpret his behavior… And that’s just how I did, and that’s not going to change, just as it won’t change it for you. So that’s that. Thanks for the meaningful argument.

    MADnightstar February 14, 2024 2:32 am

    Oof not reading all that just the first line is enough. Op you have issues if that's how you think a friend is supposed to act. If I had a friend like that I'd cut him from my life. Fucking hell kotaro's behaviour is so triggering seriously how can anyone like what he's doing to Satoko?

    MADnightstar February 14, 2024 2:34 am
    Everything you said about Kotaro is true. I don’t disagree with that Her safety is more important than her agency to Kotaro? Yeah. He’s not getting in between them to fulfill his one sided love? Mm, maybe.... LatteGratte

    Whoops, sorry meant to reply to op

    levipleasecallmeback February 14, 2024 4:42 am
    Oof not reading all that just the first line is enough. Op you have issues if that's how you think a friend is supposed to act. If I had a friend like that I'd cut him from my life. Fucking hell kotaro's behavi... MADnightstar

    what did i do?? im saying his behavior makes sense in the situation where he wants to remove satako from someone he views as dangerous and will harm her livelihood. you can be triggered but your situation is extremely different from hers. his behavior in this instance is justified by the circumstances- she was found after being kidnapped, almost killed, and rumored to be dead? and afterwords kotaro was drugged then almost raped?? would this not incite overprotective behavior and skepticism about how she feels about a serial killer… he doesn’t trust him and wasn’t given the chance to after the incident

    i literally agree that kotaro deserves his criticism but people are projecting their own feelings onto his actions when they clearly make sense given this fictional situation omg!!! im sorry you can’t handle people confronting your controversial decisions but don’t conflate his actions because the conditions are NOT the same

    MADnightstar February 14, 2024 6:31 am
    what did i do?? im saying his behavior makes sense in the situation where he wants to remove satako from someone he views as dangerous and will harm her livelihood. you can be triggered but your situation is ex... levipleasecallmeback

    I'm not gonna read all of that from someone who thinks that Kotaro's right in what he's doing. I'm so sick of people giving excuses for shitty 2nd mls. There's no point in trying to have a good faith discussion with you.

    pracklepuff February 14, 2024 9:09 am
    the villainizing of responsible men makes me realize people don’t know a good love interest even if it slaps them in the face. readers can like shinpei idrc but the exaggerated hate towards kotaro is sending ... levipleasecallmeback

    i still think you ate… YOU cooked for me personally so thats that on that. sorry u got shitted on miss girl. i’m with you. i guess we the only ones that don’t like men who put others in a position where they will be sexually assaulted??? or at the very least we ain’t deluded enough to rationalize that EEP

    pracklepuff February 14, 2024 9:09 am
    i still think you ate… YOU cooked for me personally so thats that on that. sorry u got shitted on miss girl. i’m with you. i guess we the only ones that don’t like men who put others in a position where t... pracklepuff

    sorry not sorry

    pracklepuff February 14, 2024 9:40 am

    ok last one bc ik my og girl is TIRED of the backlash the drama but what i understood from og comment was (and correct me if imm wrong i’ll gladly be wrong queen) was that shinpei may be the “better” choice for satoko even the better ml if you will or whatever BUT that doesn’t make him a good person, doesn’t excuse all of his misdeeds even if it makes sense for his character or what not even if he can change (bc idk aren’t a lot of his crimes murder??? i feel like that’s kinda bad but like not sure) nor does that make kotaro a worse person for idk preventing her from ending up with a person who we’ve literally seen to be dangerous??? like it may be a dramatic reaction for some but it definitely isn’t a wrong one. one could be like ‘ugh he isn’t giving her the chance to be with someone she truly loves just bc he has repressed feeelings like u had ur chance girl” or “a true friend wouldn’t keep her from following her heart” like HUH i don’t need to be in love with someone let alone have repressed feelings to tell satoko ‘hey girl i dont think you should date that dude’ if you put yourself in kotaro’s shoes or at least the parts that he’s seen and experienced from shinpei (FIRST HAND TOO) plus hello?? kotaro’s lifelong job is to be her literal bodyguard so he don’t need to be in love to be protective of her, to be WARY of someone like shinpei, i mean its literally in the job description like cmon now (also for my own friends call me crazy but i aint gonna support them dating psychos but thats just me) don’t forget kids: people who treat only their significant other good and the rest like shit are not good people!!!

    Lika ⊙︿⊙ February 14, 2024 1:35 pm
    Oof not reading all that just the first line is enough. Op you have issues if that's how you think a friend is supposed to act. If I had a friend like that I'd cut him from my life. Fucking hell kotaro's behavi... MADnightstar

    What you just said tell me you don't have real friendship, but rather want puppies that will follow all your wim and decision no matter how F***ed up they are.

    A true friend wouldn't like you to stay in a toxic environment. And would do everything to make your life better. They will let you know of your wrongdoing, make you take accountability, and won't support you blindly. Overall, make you a better version of yourself!

    Kotaro didn't do anything that triggering in THIS story. May be he acted to quick out of emotion with no proper plan but in no way should he be hated that much for such an action when all he is doing is trying to protect the girl.

    MADnightstar February 14, 2024 6:56 pm
    What you just said tell me you don't have real friendship, but rather want puppies that will follow all your wim and decision no matter how F***ed up they are. A true friend wouldn't like you to stay in a toxic... Lika ⊙︿⊙

    I'm not sure you understand what a friend is. I'm not a kid no need to preach me. On top of that, you're saying things I never said, don't twist my words. A person can't make decisions for their friends, no matter how well-intentioned they are it's not their responsibility. Kotaro can't make a decision whether Satoko can stay with Shinpei or not, no one can except her. He has no right, none at all. Neither does Satoko's family for that matter.

    So you're going to tell me what's triggering to me or not, huh? Listen to yourself your arguments are stupid. I'm not likely to ever meet an assassin who'll become obsessed with me but all my life I've been surrounded by men who have made decisions for me because they think they know what's best for me because they 'love' me. I hate Kotaro but I never said everyone should hate him. I'm criticizing his actions, taking away Satoko's freedom of choice and her autonomy. What he's doing is not protecting Satoko. He's taking her away because he can't bear that she's in love with a man like Shinpei. He'd resigned himself to protecting her as her bodyguard while she marries a man chosen by her family as their position and status dictates. But then Satoko fell in love with a man who's so low in the hierarchy of society. He can't let Shinpei have what he can't have, he won't let Satoko be with such a low born person when even he couldn't be with her. I'm not saying that's all there is to his feelings, of course not. Human beings are complex and they have complex emotions. Shinpei being an assassin and a psycho is definitely a factor and Shinpei's behaviour and attitude definitely did not help matters. But what he's doing is not at all right, he's being very selfish. Also you're very conveniently ignoring all the development of Shinpei's and Satoko's characters and their relationship progress. Satoko is not stupid, she knows more than Kotaro about how dangerous Shinpei is and yet she loves him and chose him. Maybe read the manga again.

    I did not want to write this but you stuck a nerve. Next time don't go assuming things about strangers on the internet.

    dookiegurl_180 February 14, 2024 8:44 pm
    Satoko's vulnerability in the face of danger does not diminish her agency, but it does warrant compassion and support from those around her. Kotaro is not really doing that. And you clearly define your version ... LatteGratte

    wow u cleared in a respectful manner ok queen/king

    levipleasecallmeback February 15, 2024 7:20 am
    ok last one bc ik my og girl is TIRED of the backlash the drama but what i understood from og comment was (and correct me if imm wrong i’ll gladly be wrong queen) was that shinpei may be the “better” choi... pracklepuff

    bbg your mind and eloquence <3. you’re so spot on with everything and i agree! thanks for actually understanding me ur the only one worth replying to at this point fr. idk what got lost in translation about my original message but no i don’t think kotaro should be lax and silent about her eagerly wanting to marry a renowned serial killer who’d drug/make someone get raped!! it wasn’t a complex concept, i ALSO wouldn’t want someone i love to chase this unrealistic and hella dangerous love- like bro ID TRY SAVE HER TOO LMAO

    i can’t believe the focus is on “her autonomy and freedom”?? guys youre allowed to clash with the people you love and force them out of bad situations if it means prioritizing their life. i thought i made it pretty clear youre allowed to dislike or criticize them… i only claimed kotaros actions make sense not that i agree with all of them. but some people under here assumed i took the extreme and fully support kotaro regardless of what he does, and fully denounced the ml??

    THE LAST PART!!! YES THANK YOU!!!! you never know when someone will flip the switch on you. so again, kotaros eagerness to save her is rational. i enjoy FICTIONAL stories like this but no your soulmate is not someone unkind, malicious, and unhealthily obsessive . trust me, i get ml is a product of his environment but it doesn’t take away from the risk in a relationship like this. and do i still ship them? hell yea!! these characters are complex and their actions make sense was all i was tryna say but idk why it turned into a twitter fingers match. this it wasn’t even a controversial take. anyways, you a real one babes i wish you a lifetime of joy

    levipleasecallmeback February 15, 2024 7:27 am
    I'm not gonna read all of that from someone who thinks that Kotaro's right in what he's doing. I'm so sick of people giving excuses for shitty 2nd mls. There's no point in trying to have a good faith discussion... MADnightstar

    yea i totally get you! your brain already checked out when reading this story so i already had no expectations starting from your misunderstandings. this one-sided talk was a funny way of saying you can’t back up anything you claimed nor can think critically

    MADnightstar February 15, 2024 8:18 am
    yea i totally get you! your brain already checked out when reading this story so i already had no expectations starting from your misunderstandings. this one-sided talk was a funny way of saying you can’t bac... levipleasecallmeback

    Sure, whatever helps you sleep better at night. But learn how to talk to others, insulting others reflects poorly on you and this attitude of yours is why it's a waste of time to argue with you

    Lika ⊙︿⊙ February 16, 2024 3:30 am
    I'm not sure you understand what a friend is. I'm not a kid no need to preach me. On top of that, you're saying things I never said, don't twist my words. A person can't make decisions for their friends, no mat... MADnightstar

    Yeah I got it, you live a very selfish life and wouldn't know what I was referring to to begin with. While reading that whole paragraph, you kept on referring to how you wouldn't like others giving a sh*t about your life, I guess it's easy to think that way when you don't give a sh*t about the people around you as well. Everything shouldn't be so self-centered. So sick and tired of the whole "I..., I..., I..., my life, my relationship, I don't care how it affects others ..."

    MADnightstar February 16, 2024 3:40 am
    Yeah I got it, you live a very selfish life and wouldn't know what I was referring to to begin with. While reading that whole paragraph, you kept on referring to how you wouldn't like others giving a sh*t about... Lika ⊙︿⊙

    Once again you're twisting my words. I'm sorry

    MADnightstar February 16, 2024 3:46 am
    Yeah I got it, you live a very selfish life and wouldn't know what I was referring to to begin with. While reading that whole paragraph, you kept on referring to how you wouldn't like others giving a sh*t about... Lika ⊙︿⊙

    Once again you're twisting my words. You're right of course you'd know better about me, a stranger, than I do. Happy? Oh and a word of advice, next time you argue about a topic with someone don't try to bring their character or assume you know about their life. All you're doing is attacking me, you have no arguments and I have no wish to engage with someone like that. I hope you're proud you've shut me up.

    MADnightstar February 16, 2024 3:48 am
    Once again you're twisting my words. I'm sorry MADnightstar

    Posted this by mistake