A little pissed off but generally uplifted

moody_bish February 13, 2024 8:29 am

"Oh yeah, i wonder why your son has a chip on his shoulder" when you give your damn best to your cats! Like both sides deserve his responsible affections but its annoying that his cats knew it more than his son did. Call it biased sociability as he is indeed cat obsessed but the one who suffered most was his son. Also I can be lenient towards the cats as theyre basically imititating humans, not necessarily one (hence more instinctual). But I have to give it to the MC. His patience and ability to take it upon him to be "responsible" (for something that wasn't his in the first place). Just glad that Miyako can still be a needed adult figure, and we have a safety net of relatives.

PS the black-white appendix of a character is ... also as black and white as his hair lmao. A bad guy, a good guy... a little half assed friend to have
