sigh...I wish the author would use correct terms when it comes to mental illnesses because...

Flower February 13, 2024 4:57 am

sigh...I wish the author would use correct terms when it comes to mental illnesses because this is certainly NOT's an interesting story, but it's bothersome that it's being portrayed this way. Specifically, he has an impulse control disorder. I know it's fiction or whatever but as a person with OCD and also a psychology student, it's tough to read stories where it's presented in such a menacing way when in actuality, people with OCD are terrified of their obsessional thoughts and go out of their way to avoid those triggers.

    Blasphemy February 16, 2024 3:28 am

    OMG yes! This has been bothering me as well. He's shown absolutely no symptoms of OCD. Also, how they labeled crack as an hallucinogen and narcotic when it's a stimulant????? Feels like they did no research

    Flower February 16, 2024 4:08 am
    OMG yes! This has been bothering me as well. He's shown absolutely no symptoms of OCD. Also, how they labeled crack as an hallucinogen and narcotic when it's a stimulant????? Feels like they did no research Blasphemy

    That had me so confused too I was like where did you even get that information it takes just a few google searches to make sure things make sense I just feel like that's the bare minimum ESPECIALLY when you're handling topics like this... idk maybe im being overly critical but im finding it hard to read atp bc it's hard to ignore some of the stuff
