I was so happy about the return and decided to reread and bro… 😭 Idk what happened bu...

whalien February 13, 2024 3:38 am

I was so happy about the return and decided to reread and bro… Idk what happened but I guess I must have misremembered Lucia. She’s a bit more of a frustrating character than I remember. Both of them have a ton of misunderstandings, which is reasonable to a degree. They both have things they feel they need to hide, so I get it. But they both handle it so differently Lucia resorts to anger so quick and then just starts throwing all this in Hue’s face when she’s the one who was like “I will never love you.” Pls

Ofc, ik it’s a story and them being complicated is what makes the storyline what it is, so this isn’t really me saying I hate it.

    SharkVice February 13, 2024 3:41 am

    Naw I feel you. Lucia is often a pouty child. She wants Hue to read her mind and gets angry when he doesn't.

    junochi February 13, 2024 7:22 am

    honestly both of you are right, but being an insecure mess myself, I often understand why she reacts the way she does. not that we completely react the same way, but I can definitely understand where her defensive behaviour roots from

    whalien February 13, 2024 8:36 am
    honestly both of you are right, but being an insecure mess myself, I often understand why she reacts the way she does. not that we completely react the same way, but I can definitely understand where her defens... junochi

    I definitely get being insecure. It’s clear that both of them are. I so much prefer how hue handles himself though. Anytime anyone has ever yelled at me kinda outta nowhere, like basically when it goes from 0 to 100 in an instant, I have been reduced to tears her defense mechanisms that come with her anxiety are a direct catalyst for inducing mine

    junochi February 13, 2024 2:13 pm
    I definitely get being insecure. It’s clear that both of them are. I so much prefer how hue handles himself though. Anytime anyone has ever yelled at me kinda outta nowhere, like basically when it goes from 0... whalien

    whoa if you and lucia were dating it would be a nightmare LOL

    SharkVice February 13, 2024 4:50 pm
    honestly both of you are right, but being an insecure mess myself, I often understand why she reacts the way she does. not that we completely react the same way, but I can definitely understand where her defens... junochi

    Being insecure is quite common and the way she handles her insecurities is also common. Its just not my cup of tea. I rather bawl and sob while I try get each word out in an attempt to express how I feel than to explode and retaliate with anger on someone innocent.

    junochi February 13, 2024 8:18 pm
    Being insecure is quite common and the way she handles her insecurities is also common. Its just not my cup of tea. I rather bawl and sob while I try get each word out in an attempt to express how I feel than t... SharkVice

    yeah but that's you, this is a fictional character, albeit a quite well written one. you can still relate to welled up feelings that seem to burst out don't you?

    SharkVice February 13, 2024 9:06 pm
    yeah but that's you, this is a fictional character, albeit a quite well written one. you can still relate to welled up feelings that seem to burst out don't you? junochi

    I'm not ok with taking your anger out on others whether in real life or in fiction unless it's coming from a toddler. There's many ways to deal with strong emotions and that's one of the worse ways of doing so. I can support Lucia as a character in many things except for that. At least to me, whether it's relatable or accurate or common in irl is besides the point. Bad behavior is bad behavior and that's that.

    junochi February 13, 2024 9:33 pm
    I'm not ok with taking your anger out on others whether in real life or in fiction unless it's coming from a toddler. There's many ways to deal with strong emotions and that's one of the worse ways of doing so.... SharkVice

    man, do you ever enjoy well written stories with complex characters or do you just spend your entire time reading mindless wholesome fluffy stories all the time?

    SharkVice February 13, 2024 10:52 pm
    man, do you ever enjoy well written stories with complex characters or do you just spend your entire time reading mindless wholesome fluffy stories all the time? junochi

    Take a look for yourself. One of my favorite manga is Dance! Subaru due to how imperfect Subaru is.

    SharkVice February 13, 2024 10:57 pm
    man, do you ever enjoy well written stories with complex characters or do you just spend your entire time reading mindless wholesome fluffy stories all the time? junochi

    Plus you don't need to agree with every single aspect of the main cast of characters in order to enjoy a story or like a character even. I overall like Lucia as a character. But that doesn't mean I have to support her bad behaviors. It's completely fine to get annoyed with a character you like.