Help me please

SimplyTrash January 7, 2017 8:18 am

I've been trying to ask about this in Yahoo but I only got troll answer and I know all of you guys are genius and beautiful. I'm not so willing to talk this out with either my family or Psychologist, I'm simply not ready and very insecure about this. I always charmed (or rather very infatuate with passionate couple, regardless straight or not, young or not, simply saying in any angle, I find them very cute and lovely but, I can't see myself as someone's lover, well that's fine but whats not fine is, I feel disgusted whenever I have any type of skinship (holding hands, ruffle hair, any sort of) even with my own family or friends. I don't have any resentment toward them in fact we are doing very well in everything except skinship. My family and friends doesn't know about this, I basically pushed myself, its either me or them to initiate the skinship. So far, I mostly very fine and happy to hold hands or any sort of with children, I feel comfortable with them and safe. It frustrating because there are time that I get very depressed and crave for some hugs and comfort but my body refused to do so (there was a time I went violent, I slapped my sister's hands away when she tried to pat me), I always end up holding everything in or just cry by myself. What should I do? If there anyway to get over with this? Anyone know where the root of this problem is? Feel free to ask me more question if I don't explain myself enough.

    Same here. January 7, 2017 8:32 am

    You might be low-key haphephobic. I know I am. I talked to my therapist about it, basically jut initiate little touches here and there so you get used to it. It'll be difficult and frustrating but try to relax- especially with the getting comforted and hugging and all. The longer you stay away the harder it'll be to fix it.

    Mo Ro San January 7, 2017 8:44 am

    Well, there is a chance that you where not paid attention to enough when you where a baby, not saying you were neglected, just not touched enough. Human beings need physical connection to develop properly. If you weren't touched enough, that could contribute to your problem. You should tell a close friend (boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend) about your problem and go at your own pace, possibly hold hands while doing something fun like watching anime. Ask your friend to help you by being patient with you. Hug spoon, do whatever feels comfortable for you. If that doesn't work... Get a body pillow XD (jk jk) hope I helped! Reply back if you want to talk more

    Or January 7, 2017 9:51 am

    You couod be ace (asexual)

    Aleno January 7, 2017 2:44 pm

    I'm the same. And the main reason that I could think of is that we are used to being alone since when we are kids, probably because just like @Mo Ro San said, we didnt get much attention and thats why we grew up comfortable with ourselves only.
    We're sensitive but we care too much thats why we feel disgusted, because we remember how they treated us, no matter how trivial it was, and somehow think that they're being fake and everything is an act and temporary.

    I cant really give you an advice because I still am figuring it all out. Maybe lets try loving ourselves more?