Oh, Tera...

rectify February 12, 2024 1:40 pm

He's devastated. He hurt himself when he went back home. He's probably going to change how he feels about being a Black Death now. Even more so, if he has already (refer to chapter 9).

I noticed he's looking outside the window as he waits for the boy to fall asleep. I was expecting him to have his eyes on the boy the whole time. Probably explains how he feels about himself now? You know, when you're guilty, you find yourself unable to face them? Will it make him pull away? Or oblige him to stay close? Kinda worried...

Anyways, the speech bubbles after the boy wakes up are not Tera's. I was wondering why he was being dramatic. It's the boy talking to his therapist. Took me a while to realize. Hahaha. Ugh.

Also, can the world please stop hurting Joris? ╥﹏╥

    MayLa February 13, 2024 9:24 am

    i dunno man. the way i see it joris is bound to betray tera and the boy in the future, judging by his dedication to join the black death or be accepted/acknowledged by them. he seems to be the only one whos aware of tera's relationship with the boy. i mean that tera cares about the boy. one day, the black death will pose a threat to the boy and tera will have to choose. maybe its joris who will serve the boy on a silver platter to the black death. like i said, he craves their acceptance

    maybe he deserves all the pain now for whatever hell he may cause in the future

    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    rectify February 14, 2024 6:15 am
    i dunno man. the way i see it joris is bound to betray tera and the boy in the future, judging by his dedication to join the black death or be accepted/acknowledged by them. he seems to be the only one whos awa... MayLa

    Oh, noooo... That is a possibility. :/ Damn. Fine. For now, I hope Tera's phone will not *ting* again or all his secrets will pour out of my fucking mouth. I mean it, Tera!! (๑•ㅂ•)و

    rectify February 14, 2024 6:16 am
    i dunno man. the way i see it joris is bound to betray tera and the boy in the future, judging by his dedication to join the black death or be accepted/acknowledged by them. he seems to be the only one whos awa... MayLa

    Joris = Judas

    hobag February 23, 2024 5:26 pm
    Joris = Judas rectify

    I did NOT want this rude awakening and now I'm sad ╥﹏╥

    ItzTinSeL March 7, 2024 10:48 pm

    I love intuitive thinkers. I don't know something about just UNDERSTANDING something or attempting to understand something that looks simple but is hella complex is just so fucking attractive. ( ⩌⩊⩌ )