Okay so real questions guys: If someone kidnaps someone but that person actually wants to...

helvetica February 12, 2024 9:33 am

Okay so real questions guys:

If someone kidnaps someone but that person actually wants to be kidnapped, is that still considered kidnapping? Cause the perpetrator definitely sees it as kidnapping, but the person being kidnapped might not(and mc def sees it as another kink thing honestly lol) so, do we follow what the perpetrator thinks and say it’s kidnapping, or what the victim thinks and say it’s just 4D level mind games chess of bdsm plays.

Like, imagine another scenario where someone gets kidnapped but the victim doesn’t even realize they’re being kidnapped and thinks it’s a role play they’re doing. Like, would it be considered a kidnapping role play then? Or just actual kidnapping.


    misterchan February 12, 2024 9:59 am

    consent in key

    Lumina February 12, 2024 10:45 am

    Honestly the 4D chess might not be off LOL. From what I glimpsed from the raws, it kinda seems like Jin is using reverse psychology on the ML. The guy is being gaslit into selfguilt, while Jin is just happy to be in good company.

    SingleLifeisToughInYour20's February 12, 2024 11:15 am

    Y'all haven't turned off your brains yet xD?
    At this point the use is enjoying himself so much, it's just nice seeing him this blissful xD

    YouBeeeeeaaaaach February 12, 2024 11:56 am

    Attempted kidnapping at least. Probably different depending on the country.

    Seme wanted to kidnap him and didn't know that Uke actually didn't want to leave. Is it only a deprivation of freedom if Uke wants to go but can't or is it already done if he physically can't? That's basically the question.
    Uke didn't say he wants it or make it clear in any other way (the opposite: he made it clear he doesn't like it), so it isn't consent.

    He is pretty much a kidnapper but with the information we have it's ethically not that bad because we know it's Ukes kink. XD

    lla696308 February 12, 2024 1:39 pm

    Like I’m reading this thinking I’d love it but nah I need to go to the bathroom by myself. So we would be fighting

    SM¥ February 12, 2024 4:18 pm

    Bestie, don't think too much lmao

    yoonso February 12, 2024 5:10 pm

    in real life this case probably would fall into the category of stockholm syndrome and the perpetrator would still be charged.

    helvetica February 12, 2024 11:04 pm
    in real life this case probably would fall into the category of stockholm syndrome and the perpetrator would still be charged. yoonso

    Yeah, that makes sense. Probably would unless the victim created a document or something before the incident which says that they acknowledge this kidnapping before hand and it’s consensual or something sht lol

    Lumina February 13, 2024 1:40 am
    in real life this case probably would fall into the category of stockholm syndrome and the perpetrator would still be charged. yoonso

    if going by NA laws then...technically, the perpetrator can't be charged unless the "victim" presses charges. There's no need to formally make any documentation beforehand.

    the only way would be for the prosecution to make claims of duress --- which would need to be substantiated with (a lot of) evidence.

    yoonso February 13, 2024 2:29 am
    if going by NA laws then...technically, the perpetrator can't be charged unless the "victim" presses charges. There's no need to formally make any documentation beforehand.the only way would be for the prosecut... Lumina

    what if the victim’s family file a report for missing person?

    Lumina February 13, 2024 4:24 am
    what if the victim’s family file a report for missing person? yoonso

    Unless the kidnapped person is a minor, they would still have to ask the victim if they'd like to press charges.

    Lumina February 13, 2024 4:32 am
    Unless the kidnapped person is a minor, they would still have to ask the victim if they'd like to press charges. Lumina

    ...Ok, well, let's suppose the family filed a missing person report but the police found that the entire thing is not a crime if both adult parties seem to consent and one is not under duress; then the victim in question is not a person who has been kidnapped, but considered a "runaway". There might not be any penalty for that if the runaway is an adult, because it wouldn't be a crime.

    helvetica February 13, 2024 3:02 pm

    lol I love how serious this became XD