Idk (rant)

Roses February 12, 2024 9:11 am

It's kinda losing me honestly I'm at chapter 37 so there's possible spoilers for anyone that hasn't read this yet.

Anyways, after the whole "you rejected me so I'm gonna have people get rid of you but they failed and I don't really wanna kill you myself so ig I leave you be since I kinda like you" and the whole "I'm having a panic attack after seeing the reason I'm an orphan but it's fine now because the dude that abandoned me and almost decided to kill me and is also the son of the reason why I am a orphan kissed me and now I'm all better let's have sex!!" It's just so unrealistic to me. Have some more story some pizzas some drama. He should've pushed him off and told him to get the fuck out and say something like "don't kiss me bitch I hate you rn you suck ass." Have him take some anxiety meds, that he should have if he's having panic attacks like that, and go through a badass plan to get rid of the stupid ass commander in chief. Then reveal you're identity and clear the misunderstandings and then fall in love starting from a new beginning. Idk I just hate it when authors go straight to sex after every problem, like you aren't solving anything here, this isn't porn. I also don't like that the first time they had sex was definitely rape he was way to drunk to consent and the commander definitely did it in purpose to take advantage of him. The commander is also so fake nice, he's all I'll stop if you actually tell me to or I didn't mean to or wait you actually didn't like it??? Like bitch he told you no and stop what else do you fucking need?? The story is also confusing me, where those people fr going to kill him? Has he always been a spy or is he one currently, now that the blond dude threatened him? And what did he do at the last location? What did he steal? Is the blond dude apart of the commander in chiefs team or is he under someone else? What's the commanders and the doctors backstory? To me it's poorly executed and confusing plus the sex is getting old. It might all come together and be amazing later on but idk doesn't seem worth it, lemme know if it is. And I appreciate anyone that actually reads all this lmao
