I hate to be that type of person

Nixon February 12, 2024 7:00 am

You guys do realize the whole point of a comment section is for people to talk about the story help others understand certain things and express themselves or opinions correct? Which means people have every right to sit here and complain about the “romance” crumbs the author enjoys putting in the story. them dropping the story doesn’t change the fact they can’t express their opinion.

They don’t like what the author is doing okay cool let them express that, stop having a heart attack or telling people what they should and shouldn’t be doing, it’s generally their opinion. I’m a fan of the story however that doesn’t mean I like everything the author is doing, the same thing applies to everybody else WHICH they have every right to express. If their opinion isn’t generally harmful or disrespectful in any formats y’all generally don’t have to complain or reply to those comments.

Y’all can express your opinion and they can express their opinions stop acting childish about it. Also anybody in the comments section who’s expressing they dislike what the author is doing a isn’t ruining it for anybody
