I think the Author hate Mafia/Gangster

Ddddddddiiiiiiii February 11, 2024 8:35 pm

The author's creation of this story stems from their belief that no mafia or gangster in this world deserves happiness, despite the superb art. However, the narrative raises significant concerns.

In the event of the uke's demise, I doubt the seme would experience a profound sense of depression; rather, he would likely continue living as usual. It's disheartening that the uke seems to be the only one invested in this relationship. Does the seme not realize the destructive nature of long-term involvement with drugs?

It appears that the author holds disdain for drug addicts as well, yet it's frustrating that the seme isn't depicted as suffering consequences.

    Lesllie February 14, 2024 1:06 pm

    I’m also concerned about the narrative the author is trying the portray in preference of making money off porn