Hope Jaehyuk dies single

Witchery February 11, 2024 6:27 pm

Jaehyuk is getting what’s coming to him. He treated Garam with zero respect, like he was disposable and is SHOCKED when Garam no longer wants to be near him. He thinks he has feelings now, but he’s still essentially the same as in the beginning. He thinks he likes Garam romantically, but he still doesn’t give a singular shit about what Garam wants or his actual happiness. He even admitted that his main goal in winning him over with a new look/approach is so that he will be able to sleep with him. He’s mad that his convenient sex toy is no longer doing what he wants, but his “affection” is nowhere near genuine. Jaehyuk is still solely focused on what he wants, the goal just changed a little. Anything he wants supersedes Garam’s wants, feelings, needs, and well being in Jaehyuk’s mind and he just doesn’t get how narcissistic and delusional he is.

    jibooty February 12, 2024 2:59 am

    Agree 100%. Jaehyuk has gone through this whole plot wanting to have all the benefits he’s used to as a straight man but wanting to fuck around with a gay man that expressed from the beginning that he wasn’t interested. Not to mention he’s homophobic as hell and is shaming Garam for being gay while also himself being at the very least bisexual.