Feels like it was just slapped together.

OnePageMoar February 11, 2024 12:20 pm

This is fast paced in a very jarring way. It feels like someone had an idea and made a rough outline... then pushed forward to get it finished as-is. It's a shame since the art is quite pretty!

The chapters are short and each one feels like half of the panels have simply been omitted. It gives a sort of whiplash that leaves "did I miss something?" constantly ringing in my head. Things happen simply to happen. I tried to keep reading to see if it got any better; it didn't. The entire story feels like a jigsaw puzzle that was forced together leaving gaps between every piece.

To top it all off it's full of non-con/r*pe! There is so much of it that it leaves me wondering if I'm supposed to like any of the characters, or if the intent was simply to write out some half-baked dirty fantasy.

Overall it feels clumsy.
