Gojoswifey February 11, 2024 10:49 am

My baefy is in his evil era watch out BITCHES

    Empowered Guardian (MD) February 11, 2024 12:22 pm

    You have called my community of the comment section ''Bitches'' profanities and ad hominem mean you lost. You are a troll and you proved yourself to be a hater.

    LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors February 11, 2024 1:09 pm

    The rape defender above is impersonating MD. The real MD would not say that to you on what you said.
    He would had ignore this comment. The call outs made them sore.

    Empowered Guardian (MD) February 11, 2024 1:20 pm

    The above comment is an alt account of MD. He believes Dan to be the only rapist in Jinx. He likes women fantasizing about rape. He created an alt account of a rape victim to support himself but that also flopped. MD&alt cares so much, you're replying to it now sweety so your claims are invalid as you say <3

    LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors February 11, 2024 1:24 pm

    They had deluded themselves thinking I am an alt. I have one account.
    They are gaslighting or showing they can't read.
    They are obsessed with rape. 6 sentences and 3 focuses on rape.
    They are not describing MD, me, or the real situation.

    From these replies, they are a rapist.

    jojo February 11, 2024 1:40 pm
    You have called my community of the comment section ''Bitches'' profanities and ad hominem mean you lost. You are a troll and you proved yourself to be a hater. Empowered Guardian (MD)

    this is really confusing but also quite funny to me

    LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors February 11, 2024 1:47 pm
    this is really confusing but also quite funny to me jojo

    Lol I had to make it obv it was an MD parody, I think I nailed the impersonation there

    jojo February 11, 2024 1:50 pm
    Lol I had to make it obv it was an MD parody, I think I nailed the impersonation there LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors

    i had to double-check

    LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors February 11, 2024 1:51 pm

    LMAOO shows how outrageous he really is

    jojo February 11, 2024 1:55 pm
    LMAOO shows how outrageous he really is LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors

    oh trust me i know... they had made a post just for me :D MD specifically, i would call that cyberbullying but it doesn't count when they do it...

    Candy February 11, 2024 1:56 pm

    Jojo blocked me for call her a pedophile. She is a pedophile.

    LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors February 11, 2024 2:01 pm
    oh trust me i know... they had made a post just for me :D MD specifically, i would call that cyberbullying but it doesn't count when they do it... jojo

    LOOL Does anything he say even hold value? He is the first and only one guilty of very insults and accusations he throws at people, I would be writing novels like him if I were to explain the sheer hypocrisy

    LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors February 11, 2024 2:03 pm

    Candy has the same broken English as MD and his alts Candy claims she's been ''seeing comments'' yeah right account of less than an hour old At least rate jinx or add it to your list if you're gonna be in the jinx comment section Absolutely pathetic but there's no surprise

    Candy February 11, 2024 2:05 pm
    LOOL Does anything he say even hold value? He is the first and only one guilty of very insults and accusations he throws at people, I would be writing novels like him if I were to explain the sheer hypocrisy LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors

    He have hold weight for you to do this. I bet he has not insulted or had accusations. What a pedophile.

    LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors February 11, 2024 2:07 pm

    Don't go near preschools

    Candy February 11, 2024 2:08 pm
    Candy has the same broken English as MD and his alts Candy claims she's been ''seeing comments'' yeah right account of less than an hour old At least rate jinx or add it to your list if you're gonna be in the... LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors

    Obsessed with them, you pedophile.

    Your crying is absolutely pathetic.

    LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors February 11, 2024 2:09 pm

    You're obsessed with me <3 Cry harder for me Candy

    jojo February 11, 2024 2:18 pm
    Candy has the same broken English as MD and his alts Candy claims she's been ''seeing comments'' yeah right account of less than an hour old At least rate jinx or add it to your list if you're gonna be in the... LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors

    yea I know that's why I blocked him, lol I understood immediately his account seemed fishy even his comments dont make any sense

    jojo February 11, 2024 2:19 pm
    You're obsessed with me <3 Cry harder for me Candy LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors

    This dude thinks calling us a pedophile will prove something lol...
    its like the boy that screamed wolf and then got eaten by it

    LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors February 11, 2024 2:21 pm
    This dude thinks calling us a pedophile will prove something lol...its like the boy that screamed wolf and then got eaten by it jojo

    Ong, and an hour old brand new account went from ''Who's MD?" to fully knowing him and defending him. This is more proof that he defamed himself what a loser

    Candy February 11, 2024 2:24 pm
    You're obsessed with me <3 Cry harder for me Candy LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors

    I don't even know you. You are impersonating someone else you are obsessed with. cope and seethe