Oh my god that's so him. I completely agree with you here. Leaving a guy you harassed/bullied and sexually assaulted for 6 years is not a "charitable" or "loving" act. You don't rape or assault someone you love, especially deliberately. I think the excuse of "i love him so much but I must leave him :'(" is lazy storytelling because it does nothing but make you roll your eyes and pity his character. Mfer should've just left permanently out of guilt alone, or idk apologized immediately(either of which would've actually been character development!!!)instead of waiting a 6 years just to kiss Jooin's boots and slither his way back into Jooins life. Anyway I'm rambling.
Can someone bring me up to speed with this story? I last read it back when it had its long hiatus. I can see that Jooin is still doing his usual bullshit with yahwi despite many chapters of him being pissed and him having his emotional smack down with Yahwi. Which seems like it was unsuccessful and fell apart somewhere