Can someone spoil me with something.. will this have romance in it? Coz if it will later on, I'm dropping this. Adding romance to her path to revenge and having a peaceful, happy life after will just be a sidetrack. It might kill the point of the story.
I saw in a spoiler rant that she "lives happily ever after, after the ml proposed" apparently the guy is a black haired mc idk about the eyes or name, probably from the ln
I saw in a spoiler rant that she "lives happily ever after, after the ml proposed" apparently the guy is a black haired mc idk about the eyes or name, probably from the ln Lune ♡
Can someone spoil me with something.. will this have romance in it? Coz if it will later on, I'm dropping this. Adding romance to her path to revenge and having a peaceful, happy life after will just be a sidetrack. It might kill the point of the story.