Uh huh, if you have a bad opinion about my comment pls keep it to Yourself because it shows how unmannered you are also I was just saying I'm quite sad with the placeholders not I can't understand why do they exist and that I hate it so shut up you piece of dandandelions. (⌒▽⌒), also for you're information this wasn't made TO BOTHER ANYONE its NOT MY PROBLEM if you are bothered with this

For others who would read this is just an emotion I'm feeling cause of placeholders and I keep getting its notification and learning thats its just an placeholder is quite sad but I never said there that I HATE IT, ITS YOUR GUYS FAULT IF YOU GUYS MISUNDERSTAND IT BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO COMMENT AND CURSE ME JUST BECAUSE YOU GUYS MISUNDERSTAND MY COMMENT, also I am free to comment what I want but that doesn't mean I would comment something that curses say anything bad whoever did whatever I commented on because I don't even feel that way, also before you even think that I'm OVerExaGGeRatInG, I'll tell you this why don't you try to be IN MY SHOES, like I said IN MY SHOES YOU WOULD EXPERIENCE THINGS I DID, BECAUSE OF THAT YOU WOULD THINK LIKE ME, ACT LIKE ME, BE ME, NOT THE YOU OF NOW "Why did they even do that if I were in their shoes I wouldn't do that" DO YOU GUYS NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IN MY SHOES MEAN, YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO THINK WHAT YOU ARE THINKING OR FEELING RIGHT NOW BUT YOU WOULD FEEL AND THINK WHAT I WOULD DO. I meant comment btw, I don't really care if you guys dislike this but that doesn't mean you can just comment with bad intentions like someone. Also pls remember to use your dear manners thank you have a nice DAY (⌒▽⌒)

Oh before you guys say or think anything bad about me or others pls keep in mind to be quite knowledgeable about that person, also pls remember that there are some comments like this that doesn't say nor talk about something bad and its best to also ignore those if you don't really know about that person because there would always be a chance that you have misunderstood them.

?? I admit that it was a nasty message on my part (unpleasant awakening during my period, someone had to take it!) so don’t take it to heart my guy.
The initial comment, even if it is perfectly innocent, remains a big middle finger to those who take the time to translate and and who do it very well. If you don't like it, don't say anything.
Finally, I don't understand the part with the mental hospital? Motherfucker has nothing to do with it, it's an insult that only concerns you (and remember don't take it to heart! )

You didn't have to curse was the actual meaning of mostly everything to be exact. About the mental hospital part I still don't know if it is possible to remove comments. T - T Sorry I have a real problem with my mental health so sorry I did that ive been really sensitive due to yeah having emotional problems in life. And this is why I sometimes hate whatever I write or type ╥﹏╥
Place holders T - T