This webtoon has massive plotholes! Janica summoned the highest ranked sprit of darkness...

Someoneyoudunno February 9, 2024 1:19 pm

This webtoon has massive plotholes!
Janica summoned the highest ranked sprit of darkness, Glaskan and caused destruction in the school so every students should run in chaos while trying to survive and the professor/teachers should to take precautions to prevent any students from getting into any further danger...and yet from ch-8 to ch-11 they literally erased every people's existence except for the main character and side characters. It's funny the mc and his friends are trying to save everyone despite being first year students and yet the older students are nowhere to be seen...I wonder, are there not any strong students among the older students?
Taylor should be an important character for being the previous mc and yet there's no depth to him. He won against Lucy in the game mc played in his previous life but when mc reincarnated, Taylor loses against her for no apparent reasons. Taylor also doesn't learn elemental slash but defeats glaskan's right hand man just because his swordsman form manifested itself?(Is it something like enlightenment? idk it feels like a plot armour since it happened out of nowhere). Can I just say his characterization felt so abrupt?
Also all of the girls have such predictable/cliche personalities. They always seem to stalk the mc or take interest on the mc just because he acts unlike himself and even destroy his home(only Lucy did this tho lol). No background information about what the mc(ed's) life used to be like, just the fact their family is evil. No mystery, literally every early pages are about random girls popping up in mc's wooden hut

    Melt Thy Snowflakes February 14, 2024 10:54 pm

    Exactly, that's why I'm very confused about the plot. Either they are rushing the story in the manhwa, or it just happen to have plot holes

    모태솔로 March 3, 2024 6:38 pm

    Maybe because Ed was inside a game / novel? The original game / novel is probably where the loopholes are. Taylor maybe have that "protagonist" shield for him that make him can clear any obstacle as he supposed to do, if a tiny bit detail was off during the scenario, he probably will earn some "lucky" thing for him to clear it and survive. Because what I noticed is that these loopholes can only be found around Taylor (the original protagonist) not Ed?