Yeah it wasn't so bad before. I remember stumbling upon this site during highschool in 2004 and the comments weren't like this at all. I know i know I'm old hahah. I don't usually go to the comments but now I do and I just have a good laugh. Sometimes the comments are so damn annoying, and it pisses me off but I turn that into laugher and carry on with my life because why get so mad over a novel.
I used to enjoy the comsec cause it was always funny but now its lame and just people arguing and haters commenting how much they hate a series or not. like bruh its really not hard to just not read it, like get a life if you hate it that much you shouldn't even be on the comment section of THE STORY YOU HATE READING lmfaooo. y'all are so sensitive , I still really like the story, if you don't like it DONT READ IT LOLOL