Kyon's spirit

Anoni Grrl January 6, 2017 4:03 am

Everyone has their own interpretation of what they read, and people like or dislike what they will, but I wanted to give Kyon a little love because for me, still waters run deep. I think he has a personality, even if he is not a kick ass in your face fighter. For those who dislike him, that's cool, but here are reasons I think he's interesting.

First, he is the one who pursued Lucaon--no one else had the guts to push it. Even after Lucaon pushed Kyon and the other servants told Kyon to stay away, Kyon took it upon himself to take the pictures instead of throwing them out, and he tried to approach Lucaon. This is actually very assertive. Just look at his face: Yes, Kyon has inner struggles about approaching Lucaon again and again after being rejected--but he does it anyway, and it does not come off as creepy or aggressive. That takes some spirit and some finesse.

Second, Kyon approaches Sihan even though Kyon is constantly getting in trouble by trying to get closer to Lucaon. A truly spineless person would give up and just do as he is told (or quit) but Kyon is going to others o find out what's up with his former hero and heart throb. The thing is, Kyon remembers Lucaon was different, and Kyon will not just back off and take the easy road. And while Kyon is at Sihan's, he is actively observing everything and even making jokes in his head:

Third, Kyon is resilient and an optimist. Even after he gets in trouble (again) for going to Sihan's and he has a moment where he knows Lucaon saw how he felt, he gets caught snooping and his thought is about how good Lucaon smells. Yes, Kyon is emotional--gasping and flinching--but Lucaon can be scary and the fact the Kyon keeps going despite all those emotions says a lot about him.

Fourth, Kyon continues to pursue what he wants, no matter what others think he should do. Some criticizing him for not fighting back during the rape, or for not leaving or getting angry. But (1) this is fiction but (2) everyone reacts differently in such situations, and Kyon's choices were what Kyon wanted. Notice how Kyon locks the door behind him the next time he sees Lucaon? ? And he sets limits about tearing his clothes. Just because he's submissive doesn't mean he has no personality. He's actually quite brave given the circumstance.

Fifth, Kyon effectively took control of running the mansion in less than a year. Sure, all the other servants quit, but Kyon is still doing a great job. Ryan can't find a speck of dust and I think Ryan sees something in Kyon. And when "free spirit" (*cough watch that bastard*) Logan tries to sneak up on Kyon, Kyon smacks Logan in the face with a duster. . Okay, maybe it's not everyone's humor but you have to give him credit for not being a mouse.

There is more, but this is already long. I just want to say that Kyon has a personality. It may be a quiet, less talking and more thinking and doing type personality, one that chooses a submissive role (at least submissive to Lucaon), but it is a personality. His emotional struggles and his loyalty makes him more complex and less two-dimensional. Some people may not like his personality, and that's their right. But Kyon has a personality.

    abumie January 6, 2017 10:10 am

    awesome opinions (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Anonymous January 7, 2017 8:59 pm

    Also when there is an attack in Lucaon's company Kyon has guts to call Karis and move to help Lucaon. I mean Kyon is not even a hunter and that many zeros and corpses would be scary like hell. Kyon throwing up shows how he is not used to deal with that kind of situation but see he is strong enough to make logical decisions and keep going. Thb he is VERY brave.

    KyoZaNa✿ January 9, 2017 5:41 pm

    Kyon's my Baby Sweetie Pie.. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Anonymous January 9, 2017 6:42 pm

    Yeah, people who say Kyon has no personality have obviously not read enough shoujo manga, otherwise they would know what a real no-personality character is like...