I do remember that but the point is that's what he thinks is the reason why he can't remember, like wise he remembers seeing doha die in several ways but till now we haven't see him die.. it's hard to believe whatever he "remembers" or "knows" atp but I'm not sure. If he indeed saw doha die several times then doha probably is another player like bada but who's to know.
The fact the nerdy guy felt like he'd seen those cassette tape before and how the npcs are not just blindly doing whatever they were programmed to but rather behave as like real people disturbs me, and remember how when doha had asked bada about his life before the game and bada stayed quite, like he didn't even have any thoughts or anything, does he remember anything, it's suspicious how bada never thinks or speaks about his life outside, like his whole life revolves around subjects and things related to the game. And now when bada spoke about the npcs hindering his gameplay I'm sure doha was feeling something as he most probably is doing that shit.