WTF HAPPENED WITH THE BRO? was there incest because the actor guy is MLs type but also looks like the guy he was caught kissing by MC and he also looks like the heeyul actor guy... I NEED MORE DEETS
Edit for further clarification: 1) Seoin kissed brother, main character ran away probably heartbroken. 2) Juwon (seoins dead brother) is haunting main character saying he doesn't belong. 3) Since the brother died Seoin changed, became a devious f*ckboy with violent sexual tendancies (trauma?) 4) There seems to be some sexual tension between main couple but MC has not had sex with a guy before so it was just a crush? with some touchy touchy that never developed because of the dead brother?
Possible options? 1) Dead brother purposely sabotaged main couple for bants - just a nasty ass person. But then why is Seoin traumatised? 2) Seoin was fucking his brother and was always actually always a player? He's the bad guy. (Idk, dont seem right?) 3) Dead brother was obsessed with either Seoin or MC and wanted them for himself. Sabotaged the growing budding romance. (Doesn't explain why Seoins so twisted now?) 4) Seoin was groomed by brother into incestuous relationship but fell in love with MC and wanted out? Bro wasn't happy with this so sabotaged? (its a reach but seems viable?)
Idts, Seo-in is very antagonised whenever his brother is mentioned. I think they were either step siblings or twins who absolutely didn't get along. However from his cousin's remark it seems Seo-in's mom married Juwon's father. And Juwon probably didn't like them or Seo-in alone. He was probably one of those who take pleasure in destroying things that people like. He most likely kissed Seo-in knowing Yeongwoon was watching to destroy their budding relationship. He probably fed into their heads that the other person doesn't value them. Seo-in's the type to antagonize you and say hurtful stuff if you hurt him so he doesn't make much of their memories together and talk flippantly about that time. Whereas Yeongwoon is the type to suffer silently and put himself down so he keeps telling himself Seo-in doesn't value him or their memories together at all. They'll keep suffering until someone breaks it seems.
Idts, Seo-in is very antagonised whenever his brother is mentioned. I think they were either step siblings or twins who absolutely didn't get along. However from his cousin's remark it seems Seo-in's mom marrie... Ochako
wait...bc MC is literally haunted by the 3rd person in their friend group, which im gonna guess it's juwon. MC had a nightmare abt juwon taunting him that there is not a place for MC, and he doesnt belong there.. not in the past or present....i feel like juwon didnt like MC with ML. not sure why though...
Idts, Seo-in is very antagonised whenever his brother is mentioned. I think they were either step siblings or twins who absolutely didn't get along. However from his cousin's remark it seems Seo-in's mom marrie... Ochako
Ahhhh this does seem viable, I thought perhaps Juwon was jealous and was getting involved for incestuous reasons xD The is a good chance he fucked things up for ML and MC just because he could. Thanks for the help <3
wait...bc MC is literally haunted by the 3rd person in their friend group, which im gonna guess it's juwon. MC had a nightmare abt juwon taunting him that there is not a place for MC, and he doesnt belong there... jeonchu
Yeah I get that vibe too, thats why I was wondering if perhaps Juwon and Seoin had something going on, or perhaps Juwon wanted Seoin.
But then it begs the point of why Seoin goes after guys that look like Juwon? But then again I think Seoin would go for anyone, he's abit of a player.
Seoin's brother that died looks like the guys he fucks xD and ever since he died he's been a major fuck boy who seems very traumatised. Is he just a psychopath or was he fucking his brother or what XD and his brother seems to be haunting the main guy and telling him he has no place with seoin.. seems dodgy to me.
AND WHY- IF THE MC REALLY DOES/DID LIKE SEO-IN - WHYS HE SO HESITANT TO ACT ON THOSE FEELINGS? He doesn't seem homophobic or anti male/male sex, just really hesitant about him? What did he do? Did he kill his brother? WHY WHY WHY.
He is pining for him right? Or am I reading things wrong?
AND WHY- IF THE MC REALLY DOES/DID LIKE SEO-IN - WHYS HE SO HESITANT TO ACT ON THOSE FEELINGS? He doesn't seem homophobic or anti male/male sex, just really hesitant about him? What did he do? Did he kill his b... Pidgehardy
Tbh he seems traumatized to me. His father seems to have been the kind of verbally and mentally abusive parent who keep telling their child they are no good and no one will love them. He got a bronze in the National Judo competition yet threw away the medal. It seems he was never good enough for his father and has a very low self-esteem. He has regarded Seo-in in high regards someway, probably bc Seo-in was already a public figure loved by all. MC probably thinks he isn't good enough or Seo-in would never like him. Juwon seems to have cemented that belief from that one snippet where he is told 'there is no space for him there, in past or ever'.
Yeah I get that vibe too, thats why I was wondering if perhaps Juwon and Seoin had something going on, or perhaps Juwon wanted Seoin.But then it begs the point of why Seoin goes after guys that look like Juwon?... Pidgehardy
When MC caught seoin and haeyool(?) tgt in the beginning, he came to the conclusion that of course, seoin would for guys that look like juwon..... so idk if seoin does that on purpose, since MC was the one who thinks that. also i think seoin did messed around with haeyool bc his cousin was haeyool's sponsor... i feel like he did that out of spite lolol
i feel like the flashbacks went like this: MC and ML were friends first, and somewhere MC, ML and juwon became friends (the doctor said the 3 of them would be tgt all the time), and MC and ML fooling around, and maybe juwon caught on to that. then MC caught ML and juwon kiss, and everything fell apart.
AND WHY- IF THE MC REALLY DOES/DID LIKE SEO-IN - WHYS HE SO HESITANT TO ACT ON THOSE FEELINGS? He doesn't seem homophobic or anti male/male sex, just really hesitant about him? What did he do? Did he kill his b... Pidgehardy
from what we got so far, it seems like juwon were saying that MC didnt have a place next to ML. i feel like juwon was saying stuff to MC to make him step back???
also i rmr a quick flashback where an injured juwon was saying it was all MC's fault.. and we dont know what juwon is blaming MC for yet.
On the otherhand, the flashbacks between the MC and ML were normal. and it did seem like they like each other, and was rooting for each other (ML giving MC's medal back, and MC praising ML's modeling career).
WTF HAPPENED WITH THE BRO? was there incest because the actor guy is MLs type but also looks like the guy he was caught kissing by MC and he also looks like the heeyul actor guy... I NEED MORE DEETS
Edit for further clarification:
1) Seoin kissed brother, main character ran away probably heartbroken.
2) Juwon (seoins dead brother) is haunting main character saying he doesn't belong.
3) Since the brother died Seoin changed, became a devious f*ckboy with violent sexual tendancies (trauma?)
4) There seems to be some sexual tension between main couple but MC has not had sex with a guy before so it was just a crush? with some touchy touchy that never developed because of the dead brother?
Possible options?
1) Dead brother purposely sabotaged main couple for bants - just a nasty ass person. But then why is Seoin traumatised?
2) Seoin was fucking his brother and was always actually always a player? He's the bad guy. (Idk, dont seem right?)
3) Dead brother was obsessed with either Seoin or MC and wanted them for himself. Sabotaged the growing budding romance. (Doesn't explain why Seoins so twisted now?)
4) Seoin was groomed by brother into incestuous relationship but fell in love with MC and wanted out? Bro wasn't happy with this so sabotaged? (its a reach but seems viable?)