their brains are rotten from all the BL theyve read since a young age that makes rape into a casual thing. they say "fiction doesnt affect reality" when fiction can absolutely perpetuate rape culture and you can see it in the comments. saying it wasnt rape cuz the perp was also drunk, or that it wasnt rape bc the dude enjoyed it

They always do, they be fighting tooth and nail for ppl that legit forcefully take what they want without any concern whatsoever for the horrors that the other party must face daily bc of their actions. I honestly wish ppl would do their research and go to therapy instead of spewing bs online.
Whether we like it or not, wtv the audience likes is what will be mass produced in oncoming years, that's partly the reason why breaking free from this horrific 'trend' is so hard. I know I grew up on this and it messed me up for a WHILE, but I hope it's not the same for future generations

yup. and not only that, its portraying the rape to not be rape from the way its framed. thats one of the main reasons why its so harmful. now you have tons of ppl in the comments saying its not rape, because they were dating and because he enjoyed it. that is CLASSIC rape culture, thinking it cant be rape because of those things. and we know that a big reason why these ppl believe this is because they read BL

When I used to watch cdramas and kdramas or listen to kpop (some kpop idols bro) I used to b fighting these ppl in reddit sections and don't even get me started on the Bridgerton season 1 debate ( https://www.vox.com/22194033/bridgerton-netflix-rape-scene-novel) or Wonder Woman 2 ( https://medium.com/the-shadow/wonder-woman-1984-is-confused-about-sexual-assault-56ac0b626b2b) debate. Now that I'm actively more into bl manga again I'm fighting ppl in comment sections. When will it end
I rlly rlly hope that the ppl who acc hardcore have these beliefs that 'o they're tgt its not rape' or 'he liked it so its not rape', or 'he was drunk but they were together so its not rape' get some real help.
Ppl really are fighting what actual consent looks like with their whole hearts bro.

Bro right??? It can't be an opinion if you're just plain out wrong. You can have opinions on debates or topics that have differing views. Lack of informed (safe, sane and awake) consent = rape. I can understand kinks but that's discussed prior my guy.
Some of these ppl hv never shown any empathy to rape victims and are naysayers to victims who speak out against SA and it shows lmao. The gaslighting is acc mad
Now I have to drop this since there is no excuse for rape. And some of you need to stfu only on mangago, is there that many degenerates who have a problem with others disgust for rape nd ped0pillia
Y r ppl always arguing on here over something that is clearly wrong