My heart!!

OhGurl February 7, 2024 11:24 pm

Please by nice to my girls, especially Jinju this isn't an easy conflict to solve for them!

My heart hurts for my two girls Doyeon finally found something (someone) she actually wanted who made her feel genuinely wanted. But she can't fight for her and doesn't know how

And Jinju, MY LOVE! Her story is so sad too. She abandoned her family to be with this sly rat of a man (I feel like he's been manipulative since they first met.) Her husband leaves her to these evil loan sharks and doesn't call the entire time. She finally meets someone who just might care about her but her husband comes back.

And here's the thing that's her HUSBAND marriage is sweet, yes, but it's a contract first and foremost. She's also a older woman with no prior work experience AND he is the only family she has. You can't JUST LEAVE that without some guilt and we know Jinju is a sensitive soul.

I missed the lesbians so much (well, Doyeon is definitely a futch lesbian and Jinju, I'm not sure. I think she was just hetcomp but is actually a lesbian herself)
