they were obviously fucking

frisbee February 7, 2024 8:50 pm

i don’t understand how the comments aren’t putting 2+2 together like the mc and ml used to rub dicks and kiss god knows what else when they were in high school…I don’t know if it was a romantic relationship or purely sexual but they were clearly in love with each other but never told one another hence all this angst…and something involving the half brother must have happened probably exposed them ?? lord knows

    IF U TIE & LOCK ME UP, SUE ME! February 7, 2024 9:05 pm

    Usually the readers here are immatures, and some even use religion to point out that it’s sinful sleeping around. Hahaha ghad help them. That’s why sometimes I prefer reading on the official site, no toxic comments just peace.

    Dann778 February 8, 2024 1:36 am

    Thank you!