
Finished the whole story here, I would say from beginning to ending, it is quite light read. Nine and Melissa gets married. Other shitty mls? I honestly can’t remember it well, but they kinda get their own regrets and repentance for a bit. Towards the ending it’s all two MCs being all lovey dovey and being wholesome.
Help. I have tried reading this story a couple of times now (6?) I STILL couldn't get into it without losing my absolute shit in anger. I even got as far as meeting Nine and his (warewolf?) lineage. So I can really say I TRIED.
But no matter what, not even Nine can make me stay. I hate how unserious they took the first couple of chapters (some later chapters as well). About how the new Melissa despite knowing the OG Melissa's memories and feelings, still couldn't shake off those four annoying fuckers.
The prince should've been publicly humiliated and his reputation in tatters. He made no secret of his MULTIPLE affairs and even INVITED his fiance just to see her hurt is messed up. There's no even heavy and clear reason why he did it. And yet no one sympathize with her? NOT EVEN OTHER WOMEN? Idk man.
Last but not the least, they made it way too "comical" and light-hearted imo. The amount of audacity Melissa had to swallow is just BEYOND me. Where's karma when you need it?
But I really wanna see the whole story and the ending seems good based on the comments. The ratings as well. So I really wanna enjoy it but just can't.
Should I still read it? Or just give up at this point (6 times)?