Wow this old asshole had a wife, kids and grandkids all the while lusting after another ma...

TaetaeCollarbone February 6, 2024 11:11 am

Wow this old asshole had a wife, kids and grandkids all the while lusting after another man. Ugh.
I feel sorry for his wife
People can hate this comment all they like. I absolutely HATE stuff like this. Disgusting.

    Tasu February 12, 2024 5:42 pm

    Welcome to the real world. People love people they can’t have all the time. CRAZY?? Not really if you have enough braincells. It does not mean they're cheating on their marriage partner. And it definitely does not mean that they aren’t allowed to move past their great love and build their own future.

    Tokyolarry February 17, 2024 11:19 am

    This is such a bad and ignorant take you do NOT know how hard it is to be gay in asian countries. Imagine how worse it has been in the past where people would be DISOWNED or even KILLED for being gay. Coming from a guy in a christian family with my father who had already showed his hatred and disgust towards the LGBT, I would never come out to them and I would probably end up marrying a woman due to expectations. Ofc I wouldnt deliberately find a random woman off the streets as i would try to find someone with the same problem as I have and have a lavender marriage but it doesnt take two brain cells to understand their situation. Its a sad situation for both parties honestly and just makes me wish I was born later where being gay is normalized or where they at least invent a pill or something to turn me straight because I honestly dont see myself having a fun lovelife in the future. I can just imagine and create my own love stories by reading Bls and Im okay with that.

    BANJO February 17, 2024 12:02 pm

    Just delete your comment bruz

    nanasyan March 3, 2024 6:44 pm

    you're clearly very young and also straight.

    Elle April 1, 2024 10:45 am

    i didn’t mean to accidentally give you an upvote. what are you even doing here??????? why are you reading this??????? why are you consuming this kind of media????

    getussy April 23, 2024 5:20 pm
    Wow how convenient.Homo couples say they want to be treated equally. When when you do treat them as equal, they have a problem with that too, cuz what they want is not equal but Special. They want to be treated... TaetaeCollarbone

    just say you're homophobic and leave, fucking dumbass

    Kim Taehyung The Visual God May 6, 2024 3:31 pm
    Wow how convenient.Homo couples say they want to be treated equally. When when you do treat them as equal, they have a problem with that too, cuz what they want is not equal but Special. They want to be treated... TaetaeCollarbone

    Bro gtfo with Ur homophobic ass