Tell me about BLs that are now getting uploaded about sex workers bottoms. I read a bunch ...

NanoFateHK33 February 6, 2024 9:31 am

Tell me about BLs that are now getting uploaded about sex workers bottoms. I read a bunch of new BLs and there is only one that I know of most of them are with Virgins bottoms I don't know which " new BL trope nowadays" are you talking about. Holly shit you moan over the stupids shit ever do you hate people who have experience with sex that much; and no it's not rushed there is a bunch of time skips

    larulair February 6, 2024 10:21 am

    eh, i think the reason why people say it's "rushed" is the completely out-of-nowhere "hey i want to be held by you" and "what kind of sex have you been having lately??" in the middle of a casual conversation, like, i doubt anyone has a problem with experienced bottoms, but it's pretty dang weird to answer a question of "do you have a part-time job?" with "lol what kind of sex are you into?"

    NanoFateHK33 February 6, 2024 2:19 pm
    eh, i think the reason why people say it's "rushed" is the completely out-of-nowhere "hey i want to be held by you" and "what kind of sex have you been having lately??" in the middle of a casual conversation, l... larulair

    they spent enough time with each other that's why I said time skip, and it's a manga with 5 chapters what are you expecting? and no people are complaining about the bottom being sex worker just read the comments there are not a lot of them

    larulair February 6, 2024 11:52 pm
    they spent enough time with each other that's why I said time skip, and it's a manga with 5 chapters what are you expecting? and no people are complaining about the bottom being sex worker just read the comment... NanoFateHK33

    Yeah, i've read the comments, and again, it's not the fact that he's a sex worker (there are plenty of BL mangas where the bottom is a sex worker and no one has a single complaint), but you can write about a character being a sex worker without having them throw a really out-of-nowhere sexual comment into a casual conversation like the bottom does in this manga. Other 5-chapter mangas manage to do that just fine without feeling rushed. If they had been in the middle of flirting or talking about their sex-life, it would've been one thing, but to literally go from "my hobbies are—" to "give me details about your sex life" is really weird, and paired with the bottom then running away and being all blushy and shy (??) when the top responds in kind just makes him kind of annoying to read about.

    NanoFateHK33 February 7, 2024 4:34 am
    Yeah, i've read the comments, and again, it's not the fact that he's a sex worker (there are plenty of BL mangas where the bottom is a sex worker and no one has a single complaint), but you can write about a ch... larulair

    that for you. " what’s up w these repetitive prostitues ukes and fuckboy seme trope and here I though this was gonna be cute lovey dovey yaoi damm even the art was pretty" What part for you in this comment didn't seem to you slut shammy I'm talking about this comment. and as I said there are 5 chapters in this manga, of course, they are going to push sex from nowhere; most mangas with five chapters do that or people would start complaining about "not enough smut"; and the guy was joking he didn't think the ML would go for it

    larulair February 7, 2024 5:11 am
    that for you. " what’s up w these repetitive prostitues ukes and fuckboy seme trope and here I though this was gonna be cute lovey dovey yaoi damm even the art was pretty" What part for you in this comment d... NanoFateHK33

    Pretty sure they're assuming the bottom works as a prostitute since he seems to have some sort of active affiliation with that hook-up app or whatever. That's the impression I got, at least, that he was working as a call-boy (literally a prostitute). Either way, it's more of a complaint about the trope rather than the character itself; at the very least, it shames the trope of an experienced top just as much as an experienced bottom, so I don't know why you're determined to make it all about slut-shaming bottoms.

    And I could write a long list of 5-chapter mangas that manage to bring up the topic of sex within the first chapter without it feeling as random and out of the blue as this one does. Just because the story format is short doesn't mean it's impossible to write good flow or believable dialogue or create a setting in which a conversation about sex actually feels appropriate and not so misplaced. But to each their own, I mean, if you think it's a good story, then good for you. Other people are free to disagree. :v

    NanoFateHK33 February 7, 2024 6:07 am
    Pretty sure they're assuming the bottom works as a prostitute since he seems to have some sort of active affiliation with that hook-up app or whatever. That's the impression I got, at least, that he was working... larulair

    Lol, reread my comment: 'Tell me about BLs that are now getting uploaded about sex workers' bottoms.' That comment was referring to a repetitive trope claim, but it's not. I don't see a lot of BL with a prostitute theme, and I'm focusing on the bottom because the bottom, who is a sex worker in the manga. If it was the seme, I would have complained about people calling it out; in fact, I already did that. Yeah, and as I said, the guy was joking. I don't know if you consume straight hentai; most of the time, it starts like that. Why can't BL do that? Do you need feelings developing before you have sex? Hook-up is a thing, you know. And yeah, it's slut-shaming; it's like saying a prostitute can't have a cute lovey-dovey story. Show me a manga with five chapters that have nice development, and they start sex with the first chapter. and no I don't think the manga has a good or bad story it's average I just had enough of people complaining when the characters decide to have sex outside of being in a relationship. we already have trashy mangas like Papa Datte, Shitai clones we don't need more of that

    larulair February 7, 2024 7:04 am
    Lol, reread my comment: 'Tell me about BLs that are now getting uploaded about sex workers' bottoms.' That comment was referring to a repetitive trope claim, but it's not. I don't see a lot of BL with a prostit... NanoFateHK33

    You can see for yourself right here. The "sex worker bottom" trope is incredibly commonplace, whether the stories are cute, fluffy, or more serious and dark. Some readers don't like reading clones and repetitions of this trope, since it tends to follow the plot of "sex worker bottom meets top who saves him from his profession", and you can complain about their opinion, but they're still entitled to have it and express it. Sex workers can absolutely have cute lovey-dovey stories, but there still has to be some semblance of common sense, like if you threw out that random-ass "what kind of sex have you been having these days?" question in the middle of a completely unrelated conversation, anyone else would think it's weird as hell. Being a sex worker doesn't turn you socially inept, as the main character of this manga seems to be, and are you really surprised by the fact that some people aren't into the trope that "sex worker character = overzealous flirt who turns even the most innocent conversation into a sexual thing?"

    And if you want a list of short mangas that have actual coherent development with sex in the first chapter, here are a few for you off the top of my head since you can't find them yourself: (this even has a sex worker bottom, yet maintains a believable, coherent plotline! wow!)

    I've got plenty more to go around if these aren't enough.

    NanoFateHK33 February 7, 2024 8:22 am You can see for yourself right here. The "sex worker bottom" trope is incredibly commonplace, whether the stories are cute, fluffy, or more serious and dark. Some reader... larulair

    Congratulations, you've just proven my point. Not many Boys' Love (BL) titles with prostitution themes are being newly uploaded. Most of those lists are from years ago. Going by your logic, even though some of those mangas aren't about prostitution and include Girls' Love (GL) and straight manga, there are a total of 1,370, while there are 12,664 Yaoi manga. That's not a lot. Look, people didn't specify whether the prostitution manga they were complaining about was good or bad; they were complaining about the bottom being a prostitute. If they express hatred for seeing men having experiences with other men, I will call them out on it. I have the right to do that too.

    Since you care about realism so much, I will criticize your favorite manga that you recommended:

    Tsubanakasu Haru: The bottom decided to throw himself on the top without having any experience with men. He doesn't know how men do it but just decides to throw himself like that. The top also has zero experience with men, which can lead to disaster. Also, it's rushed.

    Migite ni Mie Masu no ga Ore no Kareshi de Gozaimasu: Don't take advantage of a man who just got drunk because his lover broke up with him. Also, it's rushed.

    Kuyuru: Sex also came out of nowhere. What development are you talking about?

    Unmei no Kisu wa Oazuke: I'm not reading that because of the omegaverse.

    Shucchou Host Nyu Boy: The plot is so random and nothing makes sense, yet the manga is still fun.

    A Kiss for Each Face: They already knew each other, so of course their relationship will not seem rushed to you.

    larulair February 7, 2024 9:16 am
    Congratulations, you've just proven my point. Not many Boys' Love (BL) titles with prostitution themes are being newly uploaded. Most of those lists are from years ago. Going by your logic, even though some of ... NanoFateHK33

    Many of the mangas are from years ago, sure, but many of them are also only being uploaded here quite recently. And I'm sorry, but 1,370 of 12,664 is a huge amount, over 10%. For comparison, around 12% of all published books in America are of the thriller genre and it's considered one of the most popular genres. 10% is a huge chunk of the whole dedicated to the prostitution trope, and that's not counting those who don't get marked under this particular tag. Any way you slice it, this is a popular trope, and if you want to play a hero, maybe you should look at the work you're defending rather than the people criticizing it. Again, it's pretty problematic to present sex workers as nomphymaniacs who can't keep a normal conversation without bringing sex into it.

    And if I really have to spell it out basic reading comprehension for you:

    Tsubanakasu Haru: Bottom believes sex is the solution or "cure" to his condition, which makes flowers bloom on his body. There is context and a reason for the topic of sex to be brought up. It's not random, but motivated (aka development).

    Migite ni Mie Masu no ga Ore no Kareshi de Gozaimasu: However inappropriate you believe it is, there is once again context for sex to be brought up. The bottom's ex-girlfriend broke up with him because she thought it was gross that he wanted to try anal (for himself), hence the topic of it was already on the table. Context was present, thus it was not random (aka development).

    Kuyuru: The entire plot revolves around the bottom being unable to engage in sexual relations because he can't stand the scent of his male partners due to past trauma. Then he encounters a man whose scent he can tolerate, so he prompts him to sleep with him. The development is there from the very first panels. It is not random, but contextualized (aka development).

    Shucchou Host Nyu Boy: Bottom dreads his own sexuality and worries he will stay a virgin forever, so he seeks out a service to change that. Once again, context (aka development).

    A Kiss for Each Face: They literally get to know each other in the first chapter. That's the whole point. An assassin learns his mark and things go awry, which has them ending up in bed. There's set-up and development within the first chapter which gives context to their sexual relationship (aka development).

    A good story can establish a basis for sexual relations within the first chapter, it's not impossible to do it in the span of a short story, and your argument that "there are 5 chapters in this manga, of course, they are going to push sex from nowhere" is ridiculous, because there are plenty of manga that manage to do it without having it be "out of nowhere". The manga that started this whole discussion doesn't even contain sex in the first chapter, but the bottom's questions to the top are so out of left field that people dislike it.

    NanoFateHK33 February 7, 2024 10:58 am
    Many of the mangas are from years ago, sure, but many of them are also only being uploaded here quite recently. And I'm sorry, but 1,370 of 12,664 is a huge amount, over 10%. For comparison, around 12% of all p... larulair

    Do you think 1,370 is a lot? then look at yakuza tag and maybe I will agree with you. why no one complains about mafia/yakuza shit is that not repetitive for you? just yesterday I found 5 bls getting uploaded about mafia. basically, What Are You Doing is just finding the meaning behind sex because the author decided to throw random reasons and you find it reasonable. for me, just because this guy has a flower condition doesn't mean he can jump some guy without any preparation or knowing anything about gay sex that not a reasonable person thing would do. I'm not bothering arguing with others manga my point is most of those sex scenarios don't make sense even with character motivation behind it. also, you who find Kuyuru so good is not problematic for you that active sex people get represented with them going to random people in the street to fuck them?
    also Like OMFG listen to this fucking point people are complaining about the uke being a prostitute not because he decided to flirt with the guy you just ignore what you want and answer what you want.

    larulair February 7, 2024 2:18 pm
    Do you think 1,370 is a lot? then look at yakuza tag and maybe I will agree with you. why no one complains about mafia/yakuza shit is that not repetitive for you? just yesterday I found 5 bls getting uploaded ... NanoFateHK33

    "people are complaining about the uke being a prostitute not because he decided to flirt with the guy" if this was actually true, every single manga featuring a bottom being a prostitute would be full of commenters complaining about it, but guess what, that's not the case. Why? Because the characters in those stories don't say weird stuff and don't behave like the MC in this manga does out of the blue (which, if you consider his abrupt questions "flirting", I don't really know what to say). You can insist on the same point all you want, but all evidence points to the contrary.

    And since you continue to argue that build-up and set-up and development are of no importance and play no role in the sexual dynamic between characters in a story, I don't see any reason to keep going in circles with you any longer. I guess if I'm unreasonable for being put off by characters throwing weird-ass out of pocket questions around, I'll accept that. Cheers.

    NanoFateHK33 February 7, 2024 3:01 pm
    "people are complaining about the uke being a prostitute not because he decided to flirt with the guy" if this was actually true, every single manga featuring a bottom being a prostitute would be full of commen... larulair
    I just read it recently and literally, people were complaining about it I had to come after their throat and I already showed you a comment complaining about him being a prostitute and you decided to explain what that person meant as you live in that person's brain

    and yeah of course I decide to shit on your reason for doing random sex scenes that make no sense because of a flower illness or taking some rondo from the street because you hate other people sent.
    and hey my inner straight/Bisexual alpha man liked it when the mc asked him the random question, if a cute anime feminine guy asked my male anime version to have sex with him I would be fuck yeah dude if it was a busty woman even better. talking about sex can be called flirting, sex doesn't have to have a meaning behind it. and he decided to ask the question because he noticed the ML staring at him he could sense the ML was attracted to him if he could sense the attraction between them why the fuck he wouldn't try to shoot his shot?

    larulair February 7, 2024 11:52 pm just read it recently and literally, people were complaining about it I had to come after their throa... NanoFateHK33

    "my inner straight/Bisexual alpha man liked it" aaaand that's all I need to know, lmao. Have a nice day, Mr. Chad McAlpha Male.

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies June 2, 2024 2:03 pm
    Congratulations, you've just proven my point. Not many Boys' Love (BL) titles with prostitution themes are being newly uploaded. Most of those lists are from years ago. Going by your logic, even though some of ... NanoFateHK33

    Get a fucking life it would be easier to talk to a brick wall bitch can't understand the point

    NanoFateHK33 June 2, 2024 3:19 pm
    Get a fucking life it would be easier to talk to a brick wall bitch can't understand the point Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies

    you get a fucking life asshole. the shit he was saying didn't convince me dickhead sue me you ass

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies June 2, 2024 3:37 pm
    you get a fucking life asshole. the shit he was saying didn't convince me dickhead sue me you ass NanoFateHK33

    lol your reply is only proving my point but carry on barking at me like the little dog you are byeeeeeeee

    NanoFateHK33 June 2, 2024 3:41 pm
    Get a fucking life it would be easier to talk to a brick wall bitch can't understand the point Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies

    did you expect me to go oh you are right queen with those shitty BL examples that I dropped a time ago because of how shitty they are? enjoy your fucking shitty BLs Vergine/ this is my first time with a guy. have a nice day

    NanoFateHK33 June 2, 2024 3:57 pm
    lol your reply is only proving my point but carry on barking at me like the little dog you are byeeeeeeee Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies

    which your point do you have? insulting me asshole? if you were a decent human being I would give an answer

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies June 2, 2024 5:20 pm
    which your point do you have? insulting me asshole? if you were a decent human being I would give an answer NanoFateHK33

    See fucking stupid I'm talking about the person who explained to you so many fucking times in this thread that the issue wasn't him not being a virgin but how it was rushed but you are too stupid they literally spelled it out and dumbed it down as much as possible but your smooth brain still couldn't grasp or deliberately ignored and yapped back no you just don't like that he's not a virgin even after they again explained that wasn't the case even now your asking me what the point is cause you're incapable of figuring it out for yourself I'm not gonna waste any more time on a dog dumb as shit but again keep barking babes this time you'll be doing it to the air xxx

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies June 2, 2024 5:21 pm
    did you expect me to go oh you are right queen with those shitty BL examples that I dropped a time ago because of how shitty they are? enjoy your fucking shitty BLs Vergine/ this is my first time with a guy. ha... NanoFateHK33

    A dumb and delusional dog lol your gonna be here a while if your looking for anywhere where I said that lol now your just making shit up I urge you to get that checked can't be healthy anywho bye bye