Y’all gone hate me but..

mcrcury February 5, 2024 11:40 pm

Spoiler Warning ?

I want them to break up like the ml is so frustrating idc. I know he probably has good intentions to not let Maxi go with them on the battlefield or whatever but goddamn he’s screaming that she’s useless from the top of his lungs. Maxi wants to do nothing but help him and he treats her like she’s some uptight noble woman when Maxi clearly expresses herself as the opposite of that. My problem with Riftan is that he is basically using her as a f-k doll like he even screamed at her when she was doing simple healing spells like yea he was worried for her health or whatever but cmon bro like your embarrassing her in front of all your staff/soldier's by screaming that she’s not experienced and not as good as the princess (the one who had rumors that he was gonna leave maxi for the princess btw) like what were you thinking saying that…. anyways im thinking of dropping this cause there’s barely any progress

    Nnmy February 5, 2024 11:45 pm

    Ikr. That moment when they argued, im screaming like wtf then you're only treating her a sex doll fck u. Fcking talk to her in a mild manner! You know her timid personlitt damn it

    Sasa February 6, 2024 1:07 am

    I've read the novel and trust me this all stems from their past and insecurities etc. They both grow incredibly and both improve. One faster than the other tho haha

    hyuck ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡ February 6, 2024 2:51 am

    I agree with this sm (/TДT)/