Nah... on that timeline gramps had no other option. Shannet was in no condition because of her trash ex. Gallahan was ded. And the other son.. is so much of a shadow of Vieze that I don't even remember his name. The twins weren't in Lombardi iirc. Ballsac's sister was married off. Creni was too bullied and his older brother was as much as a shadow of Ballsac as his father is of Vieze. When he understood that Tia would be the best choice it was already way too late.
On the other hand... I do agree with that regarding current timeline. There's no way gramps doesn't know about his incompetence, greed and his preference for the Angenas after all this. I get that it's still his son... but a rotten root can fall a tree yk... He can't even be called an antagonist tbh... at most a villainous mob. I just hope he tries something stupid and gets disposed of soon.
One thing I wish we had was Florentia goint to the academy with Perez and the twins and building her prestige among same age peers too. I get shes mentally older and it's needed for business but... it kinda bothers me she doesn't have friends. Don't get me wrong... Clerivan is muah* chefs kiss and so is the info guild's leader... but... they are daddy material not friend material. TTATT
why is grandfather so soft with viesel, clearly he won’t do a good job at being head if being a step head wasn’t that good enough. i wonder why he even agreed to let him be head on the first timeline, so much of a figure head.